Hello folks,
I am not sure on where to put this post, either the Apple beta releases or iOS and iPad OS. As this is an RC build and will be public on monday. I've been dealing with the iOS 18 RC beta on an iPhone 11 recently. As many of you know, the Photos app has been redesigned from scratch. While I think it works reasonably well with VoiceOver, considering how buggy and sluggish similar changes were in previous versions of iOS, it still has some bugs and accessibility issues.
Upon opening the Photos app, I wanted to customize the view to my taste by using the "Customize and Reorder" button. It had a lot of customization options to apply; basically, we're given the option to select/unselect and reorder items on the screen such as Recently Added, Albums, Media Types, etc. I can select/unselect them to show or hide. However, when it comes to reordering them, long-pressing the reorder button and dragging doesn't work—at least, I couldn’t get it to. VoiceOver gives that haptic feedback when dragging the item, but there's no speech feedback about where on the screen the item is moving to. When I lifted my finger, no changes were made—the item was still in the same location, even though I was sure I moved my finger and felt the haptic feedback.
This issue can also be seen when editing the Control Center controls. While drag-and-drop using the VoiceOver rotor still works, we cannot do the same by long-pressing and dragging.
Have any of you found a workaround, or are you experiencing the same problem? If so, let's submit feedback to explain the situation and get it fixed.
Thank you!
Good luck getting this sorted.
Good luck with getting this bug sorted. By default, do the control centre items stay as they were before the installation?
I’ve had a similar issue when reordering voices
I’ve had a similar issue in reordering voices. When performing a move and drag, there is lots of haptic feedback, as if it is being moved up and down in the list really fast, but it doesn’t move every click. It sometimes takes a couple.
And as far as control center toggles staying in the same place when upgrading to iOS 18, they will.