editing the control centre

By Lee, 12 September, 2024

Apple Beta Releases

Hi Guys,

Have any of you got any clue at all how to add and remove controls in the control centre? in iOS18 it is totally baffling. Not sure if this is a VO thing or not but you can select edit controls then swipe but it seems to be some very odd grid as it may say Bluetooth 1 by 2 then wifi 1 by 1 etc. It makes no sense to me at all.


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By Lee on Saturday, September 14, 2024 - 07:42

You can no longer add or remove items within settings. You have to do it as above it's crap.

By PaulMartz on Saturday, September 14, 2024 - 07:42

After you double-tap Add Controls at the top of the screen, you can drag or delete any control by selecting it, then flicking up.

To add a new control, select the Add A Control button at the bottom of the screen. This opens a list of controls with a search box at the top, and selecting a control adds it to the Control Center.