Rowing machines accessible using Voiceover

By peter, 30 June, 2024

Apple Hardware and Compatible Accessories

I am looking for a rowing machine that I can control using an app on my iPhone.

A friend suggested the Hydrow rowing machine and I installed the app. However, although I could see all elements with Voiceover, I couldn't find a way of controlling the rower through the app or even connecting the app to the rowing machine.

I am wondering if there are other alternatives that people might suggest for a rowing machine that can be used by someone who is blind, possibly controlled via an iPhone or Apple Watch app.

Thanks for any suggestions.




By Audrey on Saturday, June 29, 2024 - 02:48

Concept2 is your best bet. The app that goes with it, ErgData, is accessible. It will speak all your rowing data at regular intervals. I have mine announce every 15 seconds but there are other options. You can customize the data you want. You get current splits, elapsed time, stroke rate, average splits, etc. All the important stuff is there for you to choose from. You can hear as much or as little as you like. You can select from preprogrammed workouts or create your own custom workouts all from the app. If you have an Apple Watch, your heart rate will be read by the app and you can have it be one of the data points that is announced. The voice and speech rate can all be set to your liking. Additionally, you can create a logbook on the Concept2 website, link your app to the account and then all your workouts are automatically uploaded to the Concept2 logbook. This gives you access to an online community and regular challenges as well. C2 is committed to para rowing and is really good about accessibility. Keep in mind that the ErgData app will only work with the PM5 monitor so if you go looking for a used machine, don't get one with a PM4/PM3. Concept2 machines are great. Mine is about 20 years old with millions of meters on it and it still rows like new. If you keep the chain oiled and clean the fan once or twice a year, it will last forever. They're well worth the investment. There's a reason why Concept2 machines are the top choice at rowing clubs and collegiate rowing programs all over the country. My boathouse probably has 100 Concept2 machines and 1 or 2 HydRows. The HydRows never get used. Let me know if you have follow up questions. I've been rowing for a long time and I'm happy to help.

By Assistive Inte… on Saturday, June 29, 2024 - 02:48

I've been dithering for the last year over getting a Peleton. It sounds super accessible, but filley and TBH, biking isn't my thing.

Rowing isn't eihter, I would love an Elipical, but I can't find one with anywhere near the accessibility of the Peleton or the C2.

Queston: do you think the C2 is someting I could use for 20-40 minutes, 4-6 days a week just as a cardio workout?

I know both these options seem expensive solutions, but going for a walk isn't exactly simple.

By Assistive Inte… on Saturday, June 29, 2024 - 02:48

Never doubt the value of making your proudct/service accessible. I just bought a Concept2 rower - after Audrey's post and an article in Women's Health, I have put down almost a thousand pounds.

By Cristobalm on Saturday, June 29, 2024 - 02:48

I too, suggest the concept2 IRGRower. The app is completely voiceover accessible. I have the rower and the bike and use them all the time. I scored a deal on a refurbished rower from the manufacturer directly. Took about 10 or 12% off. Doesn’t hurt to ask if they have any refurbished models on sale if you want to save a little extra money.

By Peter Holdstock on Saturday, June 29, 2024 - 02:48

I have a concept to rowing machine and love it. Although expensive, they maintain their value so if you decide to sell it, you won’t lose a lot of money. The app is fully accessible and you can control all aspects of the rowing machine easily. The accuracy and amount of data it gives you far exceeds of rowing machines and this is an Olympic standard rowing machine Which I used in top end gyms. They also do another device called the Skierg which is based on Nordic skiing. You may want to check that out as it may be more what you are looking for. It uses exactly the same computer so equally as accessible. It may even be slightly cheaper than the rowing machine.

By peter on Saturday, June 29, 2024 - 02:48

Thanks very much Audrey for your detailed description of the Concept2 Rower. This sounds like exactly the device for me. I would like to try one in person and will see if there is a disributor near Denver (where I live).

Interestingly, I asked Google's Gemini which rowing machines might be most accessible to the blind and it recommended the Concept2, so I was already somewhat familiar with the device. Nice to hear comments from actual users though. Very helpful.

As for the PM5, I am guessing that this is a heart rate monitor? Does that come with the rower or is it an add-on? I've actually been using the Echo Heart Rate app for monitoring my heart rtaterate on my treadmill. The developer of the Ehco Heart Rate app was very agreeeable to adding Siri shortcuts so that I could ask for my heart rate at random intervals. We talked with the developer for a recent episode of Eyes On Success -

Anyway, thanks again for your helpful feedback.


By Rick on Saturday, June 29, 2024 - 02:48

I agree the Concept2 rower is the absolute way to go. Their app developers respond to accessibility suggestions and needs. The app and VoiceOver are compatible and their app is also self voicing.

By peter on Saturday, July 6, 2024 - 02:48

Thanks for everyone's feedback on the Concept2 rower. I saw one today and was quite impressed. I plan on purchasing one in the next few days.

Question: Which app or apps should I be using with the Concept2 to select and track my rowing sessions?

Any advice on using the app(s), setting workouts, etc.?



By Assistive Inte… on Saturday, July 6, 2024 - 02:48

Thanks Peter for asking this question. I've downloaded the ErgData app and so far, it looks like it will be all I need - - with my Apple watch and Health. I'll keep an eye on this thread though, when I am not rowing.

By Travis Roth on Saturday, July 6, 2024 - 02:48

The PM-5 is the name of the console unit on the Concept2 Rower.
Here are the instructions to pair it to the ErgData app on your phone. These were posted elsewhere on AppleVis in another thread several years ago and I saved them. I am sorry I don't recall who posted them to give proper credit. Thanks to them for the note.
"Note, you do need to tell the rowing machine to connect to your phone. The display on the rowing machine has three buttons along the bottom and five down
the right side. To make the connection to your phone,
press the right most button from the three on the bottom to bring up the menu. Then press the bottom
of the five down the right side for more options from the menu. Then press the middle (third) of the five down the right side) to turn on wireless connection.
Have the ErgData app open and you should then connect."

By Assistive Inte… on Saturday, July 6, 2024 - 02:48

I've been spoilt by things just connecting.

By Bingo Little on Saturday, July 6, 2024 - 02:48

Now, this does look very impressive. A question for you chaps: what's the footprint like? Where are you people storing this rowing machine? I know what a rowing machine generally looks like, so have some idea of the footprint, but just interested as to what people are doing. Bingo Towers home gym is a long-term project but need to save a bit of money before that can be built.

By Assistive Inte… on Saturday, July 6, 2024 - 02:48

I have my garage converted into an office/gym. This happened before I lost Mr Assistive Intelligence, it wasn't part of the greeving process.

I've sat on a fair few of these Concept2 rowers over the years, so I think I have a good idea what is coming later. I'm not surer I really appreciate how far it sticks out behind - but this is the story of my life, so I will live wiht it!

By Diego Garibay on Saturday, July 6, 2024 - 02:48

You should all know it sounds like an industrial fan!!

By Travis Roth on Saturday, July 6, 2024 - 02:48

It is 8 feet/96 inches/244 cm long; 2 feet/24 inches/61 cm wide. But you really need a bit more width to sit on it and not smash into what is beside it, so give it double that width for safety and comfort during operation.
The monorail which is about half of the machine's length, can be folded up for storage. Although I don't and have tot looked into how hard it is to do. The machine itself is quite light. As some said, it isn't the quietest thing. If noise is a problem perhaps consider a water or magnetic rower. Unfortunately I don't know of any of those that have accessible apps. That said, I played with ErgData but I guess I am not hard core enough to find it that important and I prefer to listen to an audiobook than constant data readouts.

By Bingo Little on Saturday, July 6, 2024 - 02:48

That's excellent information. Bingo Towers is detached so the noise ain't an issue. Looks like it will have to wait, however, until the office come gym is built in the grounds. That itself will have to wait until I can get shot of the greenhouse I inherited when moving into Bingo Towers four months ago. I've no use for a greenhouse so if anyone's in the market for one, let me know.

By Travis Roth on Saturday, July 6, 2024 - 02:48

Oh man, I am jealous. Would love to have a greenhouse.

By peter on Tuesday, July 30, 2024 - 02:48

I Finally ordered a Concept2 on Monday based on the very positive feedback everyone here has given. The machine arrived today on Thursday. I must say their support people are quick with their responses and very helpful.

Based on the instructions given in a previous post in this thread I easily connected the PM5 to the app on my iPhone. Lots of options of what it will speak at a specified interval.

Now that we put the thing together I'll be doing my first workout on the concept2 tomorrow.

Thanks all.
