Hello all,
I am a new user of Humanware Braille device. After pairing it to my IOS device, I am trying to assign braille commands. But when I go to the Press Braille Keys input field, nothing gets registered when I press the perkins keys of the device. Only Thumb keys are getting registered. So nothing happens when I try to assign/customize braille keys for all those options that IOS provides. I have tried assigning the commands with the combination of space and other dot keys as well as without space, experimented with contracted, uncontracted and 8 dot braille input and output mode.
The keys are otherwise working as expected, both while working on the Braille device in stand-alone mode as well as while paired with the IOS device. What could be the reason? Any help would be a great relief.
Try this thingss
Hi, trY to check if Quick Nav is Enable.
By press on Space+Q and Quick Nav By Letter by Space+q+7 dot.
Both is need to be disabled.
Try to unpair the device one from each other.
You need to unpair the iPhone from your Braille Disslay if it’s the Brailliant BI 40X.
I have this issue in the past.
I solved it like this.
Found a rather strange resolution
Thanks Simon for your words. Mine is a 20 cell braille display. I deleted my IOS device from my braille display and asked my IOS device also to forget my Braille display. Then I re-paired the devices again and tried. I also checked that the quick nav and quick nav single letter are turned off as you adviced. But the issue persisted. Then, it happened that I did the entire process using the IOS device instead of the braille display and used the display only for entering the command. And lo, it worked. I tested it multiple times to make sure. If I click on the Assign Braille Key field using the curser routing key, The keys don't register while entering the command, but if I use the IOS device to reach upto this field, it works as expected. Really strange!
Anyway, thanks once again. Now I am driving my IOS device more often than before using my Braille Display as i have customized many commands as to my likings.