Hello. I have a lot of SAPI 5 voices on Windows 11 and am trying to use them. On NVDA I have tried to read from the cursor in a text document, which is NVDA+DOWN arrow. I also tried read all. It just reads the first line and nothing else. I tried it on JAWS and there it worked, but when the voice was reading it sounded like it was trying to read a different language and my laptop and the voice are on Windows and the voice has only English language.
I can't help but
Could you try to clear up your main post? It's quite confusing at the moment.
Thanks for clearing that up.
I've just tried it with Microsoft API version 5 and txt documents, along with HTML documents and they worked fine.
I pressed NVDA plus a, but that's because my keyboard is set to laptop.
It is a bit slower than what I'm used to so perhaps you just have to be pacient?
Speech API v5 & Windows OneCore Voices
Also have my NVDA set to Laptop keyboard layout. The 'read all' hot key, Nvda + (a), is working for me as well, using both Microsoft Speech API v5 voices and Windows OneCore Voices.
As Brad mentioned, SAPI is a little slow, I am guessing because of their audio quality, but the Windows OneCore Voices are decent, and basically the same voices, just slightly lower quality.
HTH. 🙂
If you think you have too many voices
Try searching for Natural voice Sapi adaptor. It's on Github.
That will give Apple a run for it's money with regards to it's VO Voices.
It's cool but.
It's way to slow. it does warn you about that though so I can't blame them.