Need explaination for ctrl + finger on trackpad

By TheBllindGuy07, 5 June, 2024

macOS and Mac Apps

Hello Applevis,
I've seen this keyboard + trackpad gesture mentioned several times here and also in the official apple documentation about when you hold control while moving your finger across the trackpad. However, I don't really understand it and how it's different than just moving the finger alone and doing explore by touch. Can please someone help me with this and explain how and in which contexts get the most out of it?
Thanks in advance!
PS: sorry for a redondent post, I haven't find anything, but feel free to just drop a link to a previous post about it.



By TheBllindGuy07 on Wednesday, June 5, 2024 - 06:58

Basically the actual combination is touching the trackpad with one finger anywhere and then pressing (not holding) control, which will invoke the same script as vo+j (which has a different behaviour as of sonoma in webview ew where landmarks are counted in the cycle, very annoying).
If my understanding is wrong or you think can add something more don't hesitate.