Create your own AI generated music on Suno.

By DMNagel, 10 May, 2024

Other Apple Chat

Hi all. I have discovered a neat little place where you can generate your own song with the help of AI. Since I was only using my iPhone, I first had some trouble signing up, because clicking on the signup link wouldn't work. Eventually, I was able to sign up by entering a separate link into the address bar. For this purpose, I will post two links on here, one for signing up in case you have trouble, and another for the site itself. If you use only your iPhone like I do, you may get an error message after signing up, but just ignore it and close the browser, before entering the original link for the site. Using the browser version will grant you 50 free daily credits. Here is the signup link I used.
And here is the original link for the site.



By Firefly on Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 19:33

For the longest time I was using the website for suno to create songs. It was easy to. navigate to website, however, I found the app this morning, and it is very accessible in my opinion. I bought a yearly subscription for creating songs. I’ve already created three, well. The first one is not actually a song it was just testing it out to see how the app worked. from now on, I’ll be posting my creations to Mastodon, my Mastodon information is not in my profile. I don’t think, so if anyone wants to follow me there, let me know and I will give you the info. All around though it’s a great app. I like it better than the website. Question though, does anyone know how to stop songs from cutting off prematurely so that they kind of have a smooth finish?

By Wony on Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 19:33

Hi All

I had a meeting with Suno a few weeks ago, they are committed to accessibility, hooray.

I think their so focused on developing the model right now, meaning that sometimes accessibility breaks, they told me as much.

And the model is progressing, versions 2 and 3 are vastly different, 3.5 is in Beta now and they’re well on the way with version 4, I can’t wait to see what that gives us.

Last time I looked, you could access Suno via the iOS copilot app, but only in the mode which gives you a few credits each day, but it does give you a taste of AI music, which is how I started.

I generate music for fun, I can’t sing or play a note, but have had songs in my head for years.

So, if you have a song in your head, and you don’t mind a bit of experimentation, ask Suno to release it for you, as once you hear your own words set to music it might make you incredibly happy.

And if you persist and become more familiar with Suno, working out its ways, you’ll become happier still.

Then one day, you’ll listen to a creation and think, that’s a good song.

Happy sunoing, persistence will result in amazement.

By Firefly on Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 19:33

Does anyone know if there’s anyway when you’re in the app to delete songs that either didn’t come out the way you wanted or you just don’t want anymore? There are two songs that I tried to do, and I keep getting an error message saying that they couldn’t be completed so I just want to delete them and start over.

By Wony on Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 19:33

You can get rid of a song from your library by moving it to trash.

When last I looked, the option was hanging about in the more actions drop down.

To get rid of something for good, it must be deleted from trash.

By Firefly on Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 19:33

Thanks for the guide on how to do this. However, I’m not seeing an option to move them to trash within the app. Do you think a single finger triple tap would work to bring up a contact menu of some sort on the song itself?

By Kevin on Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 19:33

Hello everyone,

I also use this great app to create music. I have already created some songs.
However, since the last update, I can no longer share the songs. Previously, I could save them as a video on my iPhone. But since the last update, this no longer works. Or am I doing something wrong?

And one more question:
How do you actually manage to get a proper ending for the song? Sometimes the song is abruptly cut off at the end.
Do you have any ideas?

Best regards,

By Wony on Thursday, May 30, 2024 - 19:33

Firstly re the App, I had a Quick Look at the App Store, I wonder whether it leverages the Suno platform as opposed to being developed by Suno themselves. I’m unfamiliar with any Apps other than Copilot as previously mentioned, I only ever use the Web Interface and that with a Windows PC, although some music generation with the iPhone is very much in order.

Kevin, you might want to look in to using Meta tags. These are instructions in Brackets which the AI acts upon rather than vocalises.

Those I’ve found to work are:

[Outro] This one gives you your ending.

They’ll only work in custom mode though, as in the mode where you enter your own lyrics, and don’t always work as expected.

But hey, if you don’t fancy writing your own lyrics but crave a proper ending rather than a leap off a cliff which leaves you hanging in the air, then Ask the AI program of your choice to generate some lyrics for you then copy and paste them.

By Firefly on Thursday, May 30, 2024 - 19:33

Thank you so much for those metal tags. I just used them to Rite Aid complete song for a friend who’s going through a rough time. This might seem like a dumb question but what is the purpose of the [bridge]? What would it do in a song? Also I’m curious if you can have more than one interlude in a song, for example let’s say I wanted to create a blue song. I know a lot of blues songs have long guitar riffs or whatever they’re called. Anyways, I am having so much fun with this I’ve spent all day just riding songs. I went from 100 credits down to 70 something. I’m certainly glad I got the yearly plan now.

By Wony on Thursday, May 30, 2024 - 19:33

There’s no such thing as a dum question, let’s be clear about that.

As mentioned, I’m no musician, so I’m sure the purpose of a bridge can be better explained by someone who is.

I use a bridge to offer some variety, a moment of reflection or change of pace.

For instance in my anti war song the AI sings:

In every corner of this weary land,
Families mourn they can’t understand,
Sons daughters to be seen no more,
Because of the futility of war.
At which point the synths or whatever they are explode in to life and the ai howls its disgust.
Then it’s back to a normal verse

As for 2 interludes, I’m sorry I’ve never tried it.

I’ve created an FB group (Sunovis) just in case, as this is a topic which could be discussed at length, and discussed again and again as the model evolves, this may not be the place to do so as the discussion goes way beyond accessibility.

Well done to you for making your friend’s day, that’s outstanding!

By Stephen on Thursday, May 30, 2024 - 19:33

I do want to correct a few things that have been mentioned in this thread. One, you can control the endings by putting what you want in brackets. You can also make the music do different things by putting what you want in those different brackets for example [Epic guitar solo], [Drum solo], [DJ Scratch] etc. etc.
Too, you can make your songs longer by using the extension feature.
There’s lots of things you can do. You just need to experiment and get creative.

By Stephen on Thursday, May 30, 2024 - 19:33

The only thing I use is the custom feature. I will never let this program right lyrics for me as it turns out terrible.

By Firefly on Thursday, May 30, 2024 - 19:33

First, I joined the group over on Facebook regarding this topic. Second, how do I use the extensions to make songs longer? And if I was to put a guitar section in a song, how would that work? For example, let’s say I’m in the middle of a song, would I do [interlude] and then once those brackets are written with the word interlude in them, then put guitar solo after them in brackets also? And one final thing, I still haven’t figured out how to remove parts of songs or projects that I’ve started that I wanted to scrap. Keep in mind I am using the app to do all this. So maybe something is broken Accessibility wise. I tried shuffle, tapping on the song with no luck, so if anyone has any hints that would be great. Thanks.

By Kevin on Thursday, May 30, 2024 - 19:33

Hallo zusammen, Vielen, vielen Dank für die Beschreibungen der Verse und Enden des Liedes. Wunderbar. Auf diese Weise kann man auch ein wirklich gutes Ende für den Song erreichen. Leider kann ich die Songs seit der neuesten Version immer noch nicht teilen. Ich benutze die App. Haben Sie eine Lösung? Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Kevin

By Wony on Thursday, May 30, 2024 - 19:33

Hi Kevin

What App are you using sir?

If you're using an app which you've downloaded from the App store, then the App itself may not allow that functionality.

There is no official Suno App which I am aware of, those which exist make use of Suno's API.

The only way I know of enjoying all the benefits of Suno is to use their web App, which in my experience isn't the most accessible thing I've seen of late.

By Stephen on Thursday, May 30, 2024 - 19:33

What? I have no problem using the Web app on my phone.

By Moopie Curran on Thursday, May 30, 2024 - 19:33

I'm using suno with google chrome on my mac, as it didn't seem to cooperate with safari. Anyway, how do you see just your latest two generations?

P.S. What I like to do is make songs on suno, and cover them using my own AI voice, or voices of my family members and friends who volunteered their voices with replay. I just wish with suno, you could get songs where the vocals weren't so heavily loaded with autotune. Even for some of the country, folk, singer-songwriter, jazz, and swing genres, (genres where I don't think there should be so much autotune), some of the suno vocals have so much autotune, whew. Are there any prompts I can use to make my suno vocal generations more natural so my ai voices have a better shot at covering them?

By Stephen on Thursday, May 30, 2024 - 19:33

That’s right, you read the title properly! The creators of Suno are doing a contest with all the prizes in total equal up to $1 million. Here’s my submission for the first round. Please like and follow me on Suno and if you enter into the contest, let me know when I’ll like and follow you back!

By Firefly on Saturday, June 29, 2024 - 19:33

Was that album completely using AI generated music? If so, how did you do it? I have written a few songs I would like to make them available to other people maybe. They’re kind of silly songs about my life and about my trials and tribulations, I use an app calledAI at least I think that’s what it’s listed as in the App Store, although on my phone it’s called AI Music. I think it uses the Suno platform. I’m not sure. OK since dictation butchered part of that. The app I use is called song AI.

By Stephen on Saturday, June 29, 2024 - 19:33

So what I did, first and foremost, we have to have a paid plan with Suno that way you own the music you create and you can monetize it. I wrote all the music and coached the program to give me the exact sounds that you hear on the album. Next you pay for a distributing service, what I use as DistroKid. With Suno AI, I have the pro plan that gives me 10,000 credits a month, but creating this album, I went way over that lol. This whole project took a lot of unique prompting, organizing, and poking and prodding the system until I got what I needed.

By DMNagel on Saturday, June 29, 2024 - 19:33

What exactly is the purpose for this? Can you perhaps hum a tune or something, and use it to coach The program on how exactly the melody should sound, or what? I'm a bit reluctant to upload my own voice, not to mention I don't know how it will be used. Would like some clarity on this. Thanks in advance.

By Zoe Victoria on Saturday, June 29, 2024 - 19:33

Does anyone know how to create a song using imported audio? I can upload the audio just fine, but I’m not sure how to actually make a song with it. I’ve tried on both my iPhone and iPad. When I hit extend, The menu just disappears and nothing comes up. Hitting reuse prompt doesn’t seem to work either.

By Misfits on Wednesday, October 30, 2024 - 19:33

What did you use for the album cover? And how else can you tweak the AI? I've managed to get lyrics I've written into styles, but how else can you tweak?