Deleting conversations in Mac Messages

By PaulMartz, 28 May, 2024

macOS and Mac Apps

Call me fastidious, maybe I'm OCD. But every once in a while, my accumulation of text message conversations grows so large that I am compelled by voices in my head to examine each one. And, after such examination, if I conclude I can continue my existence on this Earth without that conversation, then I take some unnatural pleasure in deleting it.

Here's where things get difficult. Seems like I should be able to simply navigate to the conversation and press the delete key. I'd even settle for Command+Backspace. But no. Starting with VoiceOver focus on the list of conversations, the steps to delete each one are as follows.

  1. Interact with the list of conversations.
  2. Focus is on the first conversation in the list, not the one adjacent to the one I just deleted, so I must navigate to find where I left off.
  3. Once found, I can invoke the delete operation, either by bringing up the context menu, pressing up arrow to the delete option, and pressing enter, or I can VO+Command+Space to open the actions menu, down arrow to the delete option, and press enter.
  4. Either way, I get a dialog asking if I want to delete the conversation, and I must VO+Right to the delete option and select it.
  5. This deletes the conversation.
  6. But VO focus is now inexplicably left on the search text field rather than in the list of conversations, so I must VO+Right to that list.
  7. Repeat all of the above for the next conversation that I no longer need.

By my count, that's eight keyboard commands per conversation, possibly more depending on how long step 2 takes. It seems ridiculous, but this appears to be how the Mac Messages app is designed.

Is there an easier way to delete text message conversations? AppleVis community, my sanity is in your hands.



By Brian on Tuesday, May 28, 2024 - 07:32

Hi Paul,

There is a setting for iCloud that can be setup to auto delete convos via iCloud storage in set intervals.

Currently, and for example, my iCloud auto deletes messages after about 3 months. In other words, if it is older than 3 months, it goes bye bye.


By Brian on Tuesday, May 28, 2024 - 07:32

I said above 3 months, I misspoke. I meant 1 month but you can also set it up for 1 year.

HTH. 😳

By PaulMartz on Tuesday, May 28, 2024 - 07:32

Thanks Brian. This sounds vaguely familiar, as if it wasn't my first off-the-rails rant about the poor design of this feature, and not the first time someone told me about the autodelete, either. I probably got distracted and never bothered to enable autodelete. Add ADHD to the list.

So, if I set it up to delete after 30 days, that's any conversation with no activity after 30 days, I assume, and not a month-long back-and-forth that started 30 days ago but is still ongoing? Right, who am I trying to kid? I rarely hold anyone's attention for more than a few minutes.

One week would be a nice option. But I'm not going to look a gift horse in the mouth. Thirty days it is. Thanks, you may have saved my sanity.

By Brian on Tuesday, May 28, 2024 - 07:32

Absolutely every message, whether sent or received older than 30 or 365 days are erased. Period. I do not know if they are retrieveable afterword.

By Kevin Shaw on Tuesday, May 28, 2024 - 07:32

There are numerous focus bugs in Messages for Mac. I've sent a screen recording of another one to Apple which they've been able to reproduce. Please send them a screen recording of this issue.

I have just tried this with a conversation and focus went to the message input field for the next conversation.

By Siobhan on Tuesday, May 28, 2024 - 07:32

Subject line says it. I have a ton of messages that are over 30 days old. Thanks for the help. Helped myself. settings, general, delete after 30 days. Didn't realize I set it to forever. Oops?

By PaulMartz on Tuesday, May 28, 2024 - 07:32

Hi Siobhan. Open Messages, Command+Comma to Settings. Select General from the toolbar. Find the text label, "Keep Messages," and use the pop up menu to the right.

By Siobhan on Tuesday, May 28, 2024 - 07:32

Thanks, but if you check in, I found it and fixed it and also wrote the steps so as to not look as not smart as I wasn't until you brought this up? Seriously, thanks :)

By Brian on Tuesday, May 28, 2024 - 07:32

Sorry I have not been around, was a bit tied up with classes. It looks like you guys figured it out, though, so kudos. 🙂