any best worka rounds to effectively navigate slides and read ppt presentations on mac with voiceover?

By SiddarthM, 23 May, 2024

macOS and Mac Apps

hello all, as I'm a student, hence need to deal with many PowerPoint presentations every day to read and prepare my notes using those, also I need to creat some of the ppt's for my classes.
looking for some of the best ways to read ppt files properly. I have tried reading with keynote and ms powerpoint, I don't no, is there some accessibility issues with those apps, or I'm not able to utilise them properly.
giving up on the converting each of the presentations to pdf or word idea, as it is a tedious task to accomplish for each file.
kindly suggest me if there are any other ways to read or, the ways to use keynote/ms powerpoint to read through the slydes.



By TheBlindGuy07 on Tuesday, May 28, 2024 - 07:45

For the moment I can only talk about how I read most powerpoints on mac as I haven't created one there yet there. The powerpoint app is somehow accessible with voiceover aside some erratic interaction problems. As for just reading, generally I would just open them in keynote and use the slideshow with and without fullscreen depending on the context and interact with each slide or something along those lines.
Sorry for this very vague answer it's very hard to explain but at least you have one answer on your topic :)

By Brian on Tuesday, May 28, 2024 - 07:45

I have to deal with powerpoints with my certification courses, and these days i use Power Point in Windows. Back in the day, I used to use Keynote with macOS.

As mentioned above, the slideshow feature is the way to go if you are strictly reading slides. Hopefully someone else can chime in with regards to creating slides, if that is a need for you. 🙂