Introducing WinManager - Utility for easier windows and applications switching and closing

By Adam Samec, 4 May, 2024



I would like to introduce a program named WinManager which I developed. WinManager is a utility that , inspired by macOS, brings easier application and windows management to Microsoft Windows. WinManager enables efficient applications and windows switching and closing functionality that is optimized for the keyboard only and screen reader users. You will find the benefit of WinManager especially if you are running many applications and their open windows at the same time. The download links for WinManager are available close to the end of this post under corresponding heading.

Example usage

The benefit of WinManager can be best demonstrated on specific example of its usage. Let's assume you have open two Microsoft Word documents, four windows in the Microsoft Edge web browser, three File Explorer windows, and a Microsoft Outlook window with the inbox folder.

Example 1: Windows switching or closing

Let's say you want to switch to or close certain window in Microsoft Edge where you searched something using Google:

  1. Press Windows + F12, or Windows + Shift + A, to invoke WinManager. A list of four running applications mentioned above will be displayed.
  2. Arrow down to the "Microsoft Edge" application, or simply just type "edge" to filter the list of applications.
  3. Press the Right arrow key to show all windows for Microsoft Edge.
  4. Arrow down to the desired Google search window, or narrow down the windows list just by typing "google".
  5. Press Enter when on the desired window to switch to it, or press Delete to close it.

Example 2: Applications quitting

Let's say you want to quit Microsoft Edge with all its windows so that it asks for restoring all the windows next time you start it:

  1. Press Windows + F12, or Windows + Shift + A, to invoke WinManager. A list of four running applications mentioned above will be displayed.
  2. Arrow down to the "Microsoft Edge" application, or simply just type "edge" to filter the list of applications.
  3. Press Shift + Delete to force quit Microsoft Edge, which makes it ask you for restoring its windows next time you start it.

Example 3: Windows switching or closing only for the application in foreground

Let's say you are in File Explorer, and want to switch or close its another "Downloads" window that you used a long time ago:

  1. Press Windows + F11, or Windows + Shift + Q, to invoke WinManager. A list of open windows only for the application in foreground will be displayed, that is, for File Explorer.
  2. Arrow down to the "Downloads" window, or simply just type "down" to filter the list of windows.
  3. Press Enter when on the "Downloads" window to switch to it, or press Delete to close it.


Here I would like to describe WinManager features in more detail. After starting, WinManager notifies the user it has been started and then runs in background until its functionality is invoked using the corresponding keyboard shortcuts, which are global, that is, the shortcuts work no matter which application or window is currently in the foreground. The user can invoke the following lists:

  • List of running applications and their open windows.
  • List of open windows only for the application in the foreground.

List of running applications and their open windows

After pressing Windows + F12, or Windows + Shift + A, the user can invoke a list of currently running applications, ordered by the most recently used application first. The list can be operated using the following keys:

  • Down or Up arrow: Navigates to the next or previous item in the list.
  • Right arrow: When an application is selected, navigates to the list of open windows only for that selected application.
  • Left arrow: When a window is selected, navigates back to the list of running applications.
  • Enter: When an application is selected, switches to that application's most recently used window. If a window is selected, switches to that window. Then hides WinSwitcher.
  • Delete: When an application is selected, quits that application. If a window is selected, closes that window. TO force quit an application, press Shift + Delete. Note that force quitting an application may cause unsaved work to be lost, whereas application quitting or window closing may fail and require you to save work before closing.
  • Escape: Hides WinManager.
  • Alt + F4: Exits WinManager, so it no longer runs in background. WinManager notifies the user it is exiting.

List of open windows only for the application in the foreground

After pressing Windows + F11, or Windows + Shift + Q, the user can invoke a list of open windows only for the application in the foreground, ordered by the most recently used window first. The list can be operated using the following keys:

  • Down or Up arrow: Navigates to the next or previous window in the list.
  • Enter: When a window is selected, switches to that window. Then hides WinSwitcher.
  • Delete: When a window is selected, closes that window. Note that window closing may fail and require you to save work before closing.
  • Escape: Hides WinManager.
  • Alt + F4: Exits WinManager, so it no longer runs in background. WinManager notifies the user it is exiting.

Applications or windows list filtering by typing

To make the finding of the desired application or window faster, the list of applications or windows supports filter by typing feature, which means that whenever the list is focused, typing characters immediately filters the list, displaying only the applications or windows whose titles contain the typed characters. The filtering is not case sensitive.

The filter can be reset and the original unfiltered list of applications or windows displayed back again by pressing Backspace.


Note that Windows Defender security software may prevent both the WinManager installer and portable version from starting. If blocked by Windows Defender, visit the "More info" link which should be available on the page displayed to you, and then press the "Run anyway" button.


Below, you can download the installer for WinManager. The installer creates a Desktop shortcut.

Download WinManager installer for Windows.

Portable version

WinManager is also available as a portable executable not requiring installation. Download the ZIP archive from the link below, extract it to a location of your choice and run it by executing the WinManager.exe file.

Download WinManager portable for Windows.

Known limitations

  • Occasionally, after an attempt to switch to a window, the focus is not properly placed to that window. What may help in this condition is pressing Alt + Tab and then Alt + Shift + Tab.

More info

More info about WinManager, such as complete list of its features and how to use it, can be found on WinManager GitHub pages. I would be grateful for your feedback and suggestions for improvement, which you can post as comments below this post. Thanks.



By WellF on Saturday, May 4, 2024 - 07:44

if it gets virtual desktops managing features it’ll be perfect!

By Adam Samec on Saturday, May 4, 2024 - 07:44

Hello WellF,

thanks for the comment. Which virtual desktop managing features do you mean concretely? Moving windows to another desktop or some other features?

By Brad on Saturday, May 4, 2024 - 07:44

For some reason the app doesn't work for me, I don't even get the starting message.

Does the app need to be online in some way to work, I'm having some internet issues.

By WellF on Saturday, May 4, 2024 - 07:44

i think moving windows between virtual desktops would be nice. There are no native shortcuts for these tasks.

By Adam Samec on Saturday, May 4, 2024 - 07:44

Hello Brad,

thanks for trying. Please, have you tried both the installer and portable version? Which one does not work for you? Also, how are you trying to launch the utility? The install location is: "C:\Program Files (x86)\WinManager". There you will find the "WinManager.exe" for launching the utility.

Can you also please tell me what's your major version of Windows? It should run on Windows 11 and Windows 10.

After the first launch, WinManager registers itself in the system so that it launches next time automatically after you log in to Windows.

The utility does not require Internet connection for any of its features apart from the chekc for and download update funcionality.

By Adam Samec on Saturday, May 4, 2024 - 07:44


there are indeed no direct keyboard shortcuts for moving the current window to another desktop, but the process is not that lengthy. Not sure if you know, but it can be done using keyboard only by first pressing Windows + Tab when the window you want to move is in foreground, then pressing Shift + F10, navigating to the "Move to" submenu with the Down arrow key, expanding it with the Right arrow key, selecting the desired desktop with Up or Down arrow keys, and finally activating with Enter.

By Prateek Dujari. on Saturday, May 4, 2024 - 07:44

Although I ran the downloaded executable as admin on myWindows11 PC, and choose 'run anyway'' and 'yes' on the user authorization dialog box, the installation is blocked with a system msg saying the app tried to aa folder it's not authorized to. I'm paraphrasing and this pretty much the msg. Further the downloaded executable file
is deleted.
How may one overcome these obstacles please? Seems like a pretty one-of-kind handy utility way more efficient and professional than having to alt tab countless times.

By Adam Samec on Saturday, May 4, 2024 - 07:44

Hello Prateek,

sorry for the issue. Unfortunately, I cannot reproduce the problem. Are you experiencing the issues when trying the portable version instead?

By Brad on Saturday, May 4, 2024 - 07:44

Nothing happens when I press enter on the exe file and I've tried both shortcuts.

By Prateek Dujari. on Saturday, May 4, 2024 - 07:44

I've successfully installed the native version (not the portable) and cursory test of Windows F12/F11 seems to work as advertised. Already had to deal with the limmitation from the notes...had to alt tab and shift alt tab tfor JAWS to tell me it actually landed on my open New Teams window. Will be testing more and report back here on any bugs or issues. Thx much. Also have bookmarked the Gethub page.
One Q, do you plan to release updates tresolving fixes to bugs reported here? Pl confirm the GetHub page would always be a place to fetch the most recent version.
Thx much!

By Brad on Saturday, May 11, 2024 - 07:44

I know what program I'll be adding to my installers in the future.

This beats the old task manager, perhaps you could add something like a way to see what program is taking up the most processer spead and stuff like that?

By Prateek Dujari. on Saturday, May 11, 2024 - 07:44

Using the latest version of WinManager linked above by the developer.
Using Windows 11, Version 23H2 with OS build 22631.3447 Enterprise
, JAWS 2024.2403.3
Would you please fix this File Explorer bug? Pressing return key on ‘File Explorer’ should land JAWS focus on it and JAWS should announce ‘file Explorer’ as WinManager does when landing on any other open Ap.
Unable to land on File Explorer
a. This behavior is consistent and rebooting and closing/re-opening die not effect this behavior.
b. Windows F12 brings up the list as advertised and pressing return key on File Explorer lands me on silence. Insert (JAWS modifier) T says nothing.
c. Alt tab and then alt shift tab starts announcing the other open apps and I need to press either of these few times to cycle until I actually land File Explorer window. This time I of course know it's the app since JAWS announces each app as I alt tab or alt shift tab.


By Brad on Saturday, May 11, 2024 - 07:44

I just tried it by opening downloads, then win shift a and pressing enter on file explorer.

By Adam Samec on Saturday, May 11, 2024 - 07:44

I've just released WinManager 1.0.4, with bug fixes and improvements. Among the fixes is the fix for the bug of not being able to switch to File Explorer reported by you.

The new version can be downloaded using the links mentioned in my original post, or using the check for update feature of WinManager in settings. The check for update is also performed automatically upon WinManager launch, which occurs on Windows startup by default.

Thanks for testing.

By Adam Samec on Saturday, May 11, 2024 - 07:44

Brad, I think it's an intersting idea to introduce sort of a feature enabling one to find out which apps use most CPU or memory resources. I will consider it for the future versions.

Thanks for idea, keep more ideas coming.

By Prateek Dujari. on Saturday, May 11, 2024 - 07:44

Thx Adam for fixing the File Explorer bug. It works in 1.04.
Each time I restart my PC or hard start my PC and once Windows has booted up, press Windows F12, there are always twice repeated ‘Settings’ listings in addition to each of the other apps open. Both these ‘Settings’ windows are listed in the main first order list along with the other apps. One of them when activated by the return key always lands JAWS on silence and performing JAWS OCR detects nothing. The other settings listing when activated by press of return key opens up a Windows system settings window which upon reviewing I find has no correlation with Win Manager and just presents options and corresponding info for various system settings.
These two listings of ‘Settings’ only appears the first time I perform windows F12 and not subsequently until next time I start my PC. after
First bug: Since both listings say ‘Settings’ it’s impossible to know which of these will land me on the silence ghost window and which one on the Windows settings window.
Second bug: if the silence ghost window is supposed to actually land me on a settings / check for update window specifically for Win Manager, would you please fix this in update? If this is not your intention, would you please not have it appear at all in the next update?
Third, there is no point in having a ‘setting’ listing landing user on the Windows settings window. This seems totally unnecessary so I’d recommend this not appearing at all in the next update.
I’m finding Win Manager a truly one-of-a-kind super useful efficiency improving, cognitive load reducing utility of screen reader users like me? Just great idea so thx again.
Not to overstay my welcome Adam, but have you considered creating an IOS SIRI shortcut for AIRA’s Access AI which totally lacks it? I’ve a specific shortcut action sequence in mind for AIRA’s Access AI that would be super useful and make Access AI significantly more efficient. Spoiler: Be My Eyes has an out-of-box SIRI shortcut called ‘ask be my eyes’ which allows user to ask a specific question in advance to Be My AI, which then triggers subsequent shortcut actions-> automatically opens Be my Eyes App to Be my AI tab, takes a picture, sends image to AI, AI responds back and Voiceover starts reading the response automatically when AI response arrives on screen. Of course the AI response now is only regarding the advance question the user asked in the beginning of the shortcut e.g. describe the hair and face of the women in the image or describe any graffiti visible in the image etc. etc.

By Adam Samec on Saturday, May 11, 2024 - 07:44

I've just released WinManager 1.0.5 fixing some of the issues you reported. Here is what's changed:

  • Fix not working desktop shortcut.
  • Don't show certain apps which it was inpossible to switched to and categorize modern apps unto single app item.
  • Fix for the What's new page to be loaded from the Internet with the latest contents.

You can download the installer here or portable here, or use the check for update feature in WinManager's settings.

Please let me know if these fixes solve your problem concerning the duplicate or not working Settings items in the running apps list.

By Brad on Saturday, May 11, 2024 - 07:44

I just tried to run it and the window wouldn't close so I used win manager but it doesn't show up.

Also, would it be possible to allow the screen reader to say closing app and all that? Or is that something that can't be done?

By Andy Lane on Saturday, May 11, 2024 - 07:44

Thanks so much. This is a truly wonderful little app that is going to make moving around the windows UI so much more efficient for screen reader users. I’ll second Brads idea of memory and CPU visibility. It’s not very usable through resource manager and would make a great addition to your app, for me anyway. Can’t wait to see what innovations come to this fantastic utility next.

By Lee on Saturday, May 11, 2024 - 07:44

Have to agree with others here this is a very good utility so thanks for creating it.

By Brad on Saturday, May 11, 2024 - 07:44

I'd even go as far as being completely fine with a donate button, I'd donate in a heartbeat.

If you could get the CPU ram and all that info then I'd not need to use the task manager at all.

There's an NVDA addon called system resources which is quite useful, I think if it was similar to that, it might be useful or perhaps you could make it better in some ways.

This is so useful.

By Adam Samec on Saturday, May 11, 2024 - 07:44

Hello Brad,

first, could you please describe in more detail which Copilot window is not showing up in WinManager?

Second, regarding the narration via screen reader, I have not found the way to have WinManager's messages be narrated via screen reader rather than Windows built-in text to speech.

By Prateek Dujari. on Saturday, May 11, 2024 - 07:44

in 1.0.5 now I consistently see an app 'Modern applications' which upon hitting the return key lands user on Windows settings app. What is the purpose of this? I find it unnecessary and cluttering the list of open apps. What am I missing here?
WRT Brad's request, my personal request is not to add more verbosity such as 'closing app'. Win Manager consistently does close an app with shift delete or an app window with delete so I prefer it to remain without the additional verbosity especially if Win Manager does not allow user to set verbosity.
Third, interesting couple of requests for system resources being consumed by the foreground and background processes. Personally I do not want this because the whole beauty and usefulness of Win Manager is it's very simple optimum verbosity design. If Adam does add sys resources info, please please have another key stroke combo to bring that info up so the current windows with Windows key F11 and Windows key F12 remains simple as is now and users not caring or wanting to see system resources being consumed, do not have to forcibly navigate that info with the Windows F12 and Windows F11 .

By Brian on Saturday, May 11, 2024 - 07:44

Can this utility of yours be used to close the (very frustrating) onscreen "Windows Input Experience" window in Windows 11. It is one of the most irritating apps that Windows forces on its users, and you cannot disable this service in any way shape or form via startup apps in settings, nor under services.msc, as it is disabled, or greyed out.

For us NVDA users, you can access the window from your desktop in one of 2 ways:
1. Windows Plus (period) or (full stop) for those of you overseas.
2. Via NVDA, while on Desktop, press Shift plus NVDA and up arrow until you hear "desktop window, then press Shift plus NVDA plus down arrow until you hear "Windows Input Experience" window.

Pressing Shift plus down arrow 2 more times will land you on the 'Close' button, but good luck closing it that way. 😠

Anyways, if your utility can close that in a more convenient way, that would be wonderful. 🙂

By Adam Samec on Saturday, May 11, 2024 - 07:44


thanks for the feedbakc. In WinManager 1.0.6, modern app windows, such as Settings, Calculator or Calendar, are now properly categorized into respective app names instead of the common item named "Modern applications".

By Adam Samec on Saturday, May 11, 2024 - 07:44

I am still not sure if I am going to modify the interface to enable display of CPU and memory usage info, but if I do, I would probably introduce radio buttons located before the apps/windows list. Using these radio buttons, user could have the option to switch the apps/windows list to display one of the following:

  • List of apps/windows ordered by last item used like it is now.
  • List of apps/windows with their names followed by CPU usage percentage, displayed in descending order.
  • List of apps/windows with their names followed by memory usage percentage, displayed in descending order.

What is your take about such interface please?

By Prateek Dujari. on Saturday, May 11, 2024 - 07:44

I like the modern applications breakdown into specific windows apps. With regards to CPU and memory usage radio buttons, I am OK with that as long as on any given PC each time when manager is invoked using the windows F12 or windows F11, it remembers the users last setting. I will 99.9% never want to see the resources and memory and all of that other stuff for example and they may be many many other users with the same preference. It would totally suck if when manager reverts to some default state each time it’s activated Where it shows information for each application and each window beyond what 1.0.5 shows. last and equally critically, if this radio button stuff is implemented in 1.0.6, please ensure that each time Vin manager is invoked using windows F12 or Windows F11 jaws on the list of open applications just like it does now and doesn’t land on any sort of radio buttons because that just makes it clumsier to have to then tab or some such to land on the list of open applications. When manager 1.0.5 is awesome and super elegant with minimal amount of cognitive Load with just the right amount of verbosity and lack of clutter.

By Prateek Dujari. on Saturday, May 11, 2024 - 07:44

I have done this more than once on multiple PCs on Windows 10 and Windows 11 and you absolutely do not need when manager or anything like that to accomplish this. Simply google “permanently disable windows input experience through registry edit which will lead you to one or more results Showing you exactly which path in the registry to go to and change value of “one“ to “zero“. Very simple and effective and no need to be paranoid because it’ll absolutely do no harm to your computer.

By Brian on Saturday, May 11, 2024 - 07:44

Will give that a try. Wasn't worried about harm to my PC, more like I get tired of nvda getting stuck within the interface.

It happens.

More than a little.

By Brad on Saturday, May 11, 2024 - 07:44

I've never had this windows input experience pop up for me and i'm running the latest windows 11 update.

I wonder why it's showing for you but not for me.

Re:co-pilot it's the window that shows up after pressing enter on the co-pilot button on the task bar.

By Brian on Saturday, May 11, 2024 - 07:44

This is a service that Microsoft has running under the service host application, which runs a whole bunch of system apps/services.

I tried Googling as recommended above, but no joy. Will try again later on.

Brad, if this does not show up for you at all, then go you. It has been running since the 23h2 update if memory serves.

And like i said,, you can normally access it manually with Windows key plus period/full stop. Its closing it that is frustrating me. 😣

By Brad on Saturday, May 11, 2024 - 07:44

It brings up the emoji manager for me and i'm able to close it by just pressing escape and tabbing a couple times.

By Andy Lane on Saturday, May 11, 2024 - 07:44

Never had an issue with Windows input experience. I hadn’t heard of it until now. I’m going to ask Be My AI Microsoft helpdesk for instructions to ensure it doesn’t/isn’t/won’t run through registry edit though. Thanks Bryan. Re UI for CPU/memory usage. I think if the toggles were placed above/before the element you land on it would be a good design. That way, shift tab would bring you straight to the toggle but otherwise you’d just use the app as intended with the ultra simple design it currently has. The new feature doesn’t have to get in anyone’s way but can simplify what is currently an incredibly complicated bit of information to find through system resources.

By Andy Lane on Saturday, May 11, 2024 - 07:44

I have no way to know if this works as I don’t seem to have Windows input experience open and it’s never caused an issue for me.

Is it always running for everyone? Anyway, this is what Be My AI said. Proceed with caution.

Be My AI: To permanently disable the Windows Input Experience using registry edits, you can follow these steps. Please note that editing the registry can have significant effects on your system, so proceed with caution and consider backing up your registry before making any changes.

1. **Open the Registry Editor:**
- Press `Windows + R` to open the Run dialog.
- Type `regedit` and press Enter. If prompted by User Account Control, click Yes to allow.

2. **Navigate to the following key:**

3. **Create a new DWORD value:**
- Right-click on the `InputPersonalization` key.
- Select `New` > `DWORD (32-bit) Value`.
- Name the new value `RestrictImplicitTextCollection`.

4. **Set the value to 1:**
- Double-click on `RestrictImplicitTextCollection`.
- Set the value data to `1`.
- Click OK.

5. **Create another DWORD value:**
- Right-click on the `InputPersonalization` key again.
- Select `New` > `DWORD (32-bit) Value`.
- Name the new value `RestrictImplicitInkCollection`.

6. **Set the value to 1:**
- Double-click on `RestrictImplicitInkCollection`.
- Set the value data to `1`.
- Click OK.

7. **Close the Registry Editor and restart your computer.**

These steps should disable the Windows Input Experience. If you encounter any issues or need further assistance, please let me know. If you prefer, you can use the Call Microsoft button to contact the Microsoft Disability Answer Desk for more help.

Be My AI: To permanently disable the Windows Input Experience using registry edits, you can follow these steps. Please note that editing the registry can have significant effects on your system, so proceed with caution and consider backing up your registry before making any changes.

1. **Open the Registry Editor:**
- Press `Windows + R` to open the Run dialog.
- Type `regedit` and press Enter. If prompted by User Account Control, click Yes to allow.

2. **Navigate to the following key:**

3. **Create a new DWORD value:**
- Right-click on the `InputPersonalization` key.
- Select `New` > `DWORD (32-bit) Value`.
- Name the new value `RestrictImplicitTextCollection`.

4. **Set the value to 1:**
- Double-click on `RestrictImplicitTextCollection`.
- Set the value data to `1`.
- Click OK.

5. **Create another DWORD value:**
- Right-click on the `InputPersonalization` key again.
- Select `New` > `DWORD (32-bit) Value`.
- Name the new value `RestrictImplicitInkCollection`.

6. **Set the value to 1:**
- Double-click on `RestrictImplicitInkCollection`.
- Set the value data to `1`.
- Click OK.

7. **Close the Registry Editor and restart your computer.**

These steps should disable the Windows Input Experience. If you encounter any issues or need further assistance, please let me know. If you prefer, you can use the Call Microsoft button to contact the Microsoft Disability Answer Desk for more help.

By Brian on Saturday, May 11, 2024 - 07:44

Well that was no joy. For me, and I am sure it is like this for everyone, those DWORD settings were already there, just set to '0'. I simply had to switch them to '1'.

Unfortunately, it did not change anything. It is kinda weird. When I first boot/reboot my PC, that input window is one of the last things to appear, but I cannot interact with it, that is to say with NVDA using Object Navigation, until I actively access it with Windows Key plus (period). Unlike Brad, I cannot tab over to the damned Close button, either. Instead I have to once again use Object Nav, as I mentioned above in an earlier post, and only then can I smack that Close button down.

Not sure how this works with Jaws. 🤷

By Brad on Saturday, May 11, 2024 - 07:44

Are you sure you didn't turn on a setting somewhere.

This doesn't seam to be popping up for others.

Here's a link that might help:

I just did a bit of research and it turns out it's for your keyboard and mouse so if you removed it you' dnot be able to use your computer.

Here's another post:

I wonder if it's a dell thing, I can't remember if you're the person with the dell laptop.

It's irritating but you could try resetting windows, you could also try going to a computer shop and asking them to see if they can find a setting for you so you don't have to close the app thing each time, that's what i'd recommend.

By Brad on Saturday, May 11, 2024 - 07:44

Press windows piriod, it should bring up the windows input experience window, press escape twice, then tab and you should be able to tab away from the window and it shouldn't show up again for that session.

By Brian on Tuesday, May 14, 2024 - 07:44

Ha! That actually works, with the double press of Escape.

Go figure. . .

As for enabling a setting, nope. I only began noticing it in the 23h2 build update. of Win 11. 🤷

Regarding that link you posted, I have already been there, done that, no joy.

For now your trick with the double press of escape is good enough. I will eventually figure this out.

In an interesting twist of fate, while digging around Microsoft support, I stumbled across a fix for an issue I was having with my Radeon Vega 3 gpu, so that is something. 🙆

By Brad on Tuesday, May 14, 2024 - 07:44

I'm glad it works.

By Adam Samec on Tuesday, May 21, 2024 - 07:44


I have received feedbback from a user running Windows 10 having problems with WinManager. On two of his Windows 10 equiped PCs, WinManager starts but keyboard shortcuts don't do anything. Can anyone please confirm this problematic behavior as I don't have a PC with Windows 10.


By Lee on Tuesday, May 21, 2024 - 07:44

Hi Adam,

I'm on windows 10 and have no issues at all. All shortcuts work as expected. I know that wasn't what you wanted but thought I'd let you know that it isn't obviously for all users then.

By Adam Samec on Tuesday, May 21, 2024 - 07:44

Hello Brad, yes, the English to Czech dictionary is a feature intended only for the Czech users. The Czech Republic is the country I come from.

By Brad on Tuesday, May 21, 2024 - 07:44

Ok,, that makes sense.

By Chris on Tuesday, June 11, 2024 - 07:44

This program is very useful! I have a couple questions. Is it possible to submit this to Ninite? It would be useful to include this in the list of programs I automatically install on a new WIndows installation.
Why is this a 32-bit program instead of 64-bit?

By Brad on Tuesday, June 11, 2024 - 07:44

Submitting it to ninite would be awesome!