How to edit documents with Microsoft Word?

By Karina Velazquez, 11 October, 2019

iOS and iPadOS

I have been trying to edit documents with Microsoft Word in IpadOS.
I have an 6th generation ipad with an Office 365 suscription and although I can create new blank documents, I haven’t been able to edit existing documents.
I have noticed that when I disable voiceover, if I click on the text of the document, the keyboard appears and it can be edit. But when I activate voiceover with the home button it inmediately disappears and with voiceover on, I never can access inside the text of the document.

Someone with the same issue or with a solution?

Thanks in advance.



By Bellsfurmama on Monday, May 6, 2024 - 19:25

I've had this problem too. I was so hopeful when I saw your topic; had hoped someone would have a solution.

By Andy Lane on Monday, May 6, 2024 - 19:25

I was hoping for some good news but instead it’s someone else with the same problem thats existed for as long as I can remember. I wonder if MS know about this. Office is one of those suites of apps that really should work. MS have the people to get it done and its essential infrastructure of 2024. For blind people to be excluded feels very wrong.

By SiddarthM on Monday, May 6, 2024 - 19:25

have you tried using pages to edidt?

By Karina Velazquez on Monday, May 6, 2024 - 19:25

Well funny but sadly this post was created on 2019 and I think that although ms word has been somehow updated in some fields, I have to say that formatting is still a nightmare with voiceover either on a macbook or an ipad, I ended up using google docs on my ipad because there it is easier to know what I'm editing.
My complain has been always comparing what JAWS does in windows with word; everytime I press the shortcut to bold text, JAWS reads "bold text enabled" or "bold text disabled" but voiceover does nothing, and the same applies to centering or justifying text or whatever format you want to put on your document.
Google docs is better for those purposes, the only problem with it is that you have to change the extention of your saved document to be compatible with ms office, which adds an unconfortable extra step to take care of.

By Jason White on Monday, May 6, 2024 - 19:25

To determine the style of the current text, including any font that has been applied, use VO-T in Microsoft Word for Mac. I tested this, and it even tells you about character styles that have been applied (e.g., emphasis style).