using VoiceOver any way to rearrange homescreen

By Lee, 8 May, 2024

iOS and iPadOS

Hi guys,

After searching and getting no where thought I'd ask here. Does anyone know if we can move entire pages around. So, make my page 2 of apps page 1 etc. Google explains how to do this if you are sighted but I can't find anything for VO. I'm sure somewhere I've seen something that said you could but AV doesn't have an obvious post on this and google was useless. Any ideas? Obviously we could move apps 1 by 1 or drag a number at a time but that could take ages and there surely is a quicker way.



By Brad on Tuesday, May 7, 2024 - 07:42

If you double tap and hold on the page picker it should say something like editing, if you then flick up you should hear drag page, unfortunetly that's as far as I've gotten as I don't have many pages so I'm not sure exactly how you'd move one page but I'd assume you flick down until you hear a setting and tap on that.

By Brian on Tuesday, May 7, 2024 - 07:42

Typically when using the Drag and Drop feature in iOS for rearranging apps on the Home screen, once you have your 'drag selection', move to whatever screen you want and perform the drop by flicking up or down on the screen with VO and choosing from any of the provided 'Drop' options, i.e. Drop x items here.


By Brad on Tuesday, May 7, 2024 - 07:42

Oh yeah I know that, I was talking about dropping an entire page at once.

By kool_turk on Tuesday, May 7, 2024 - 07:42

It's been a while since I've organized my apps, but Brad's method is what I used to follow.

Nowadays, I mainly rely on the library or braille screen input to locate the app I need.

I no longer have pages filled with apps; the library serves my needs adequately.

By Brian on Tuesday, May 7, 2024 - 07:42

That this is one of those not so accessible functions of iOS. Also, I understood what you meant, Brad, I had hoped the method of "Dropping" would have been the same is all.

Sadly I was wrong. After going through your steps, I tried using the rotor on a blank page, tried flicking up and down on an app, on a folder, and even inside a folder.

No dice. 🤷

On a side note, and a bit time consuming, but you could in fact edit a Home screen, and just select every single app/folder/whatever you want to drop elsewhere. One item at a time of course.

The good news is that, while you would have to select each item one at a time, you can drop every item at once.

Not ideal, not terrible either, but not ideal. 😣

By Lee on Tuesday, May 7, 2024 - 07:42

Ok Brad was correct this was what I'd come across before. However, if anyone wants to use it be careful. Just tried it and completely messed up my homescreen. Ended up somehow and no idea how or why with one of my pages of apps vanishing completely into app library and I could not get it back. Had to reset homescreen back to defaults settings which now means I've got a lot of work to do to rearrange things again. Not impressed lol.

By Brad on Tuesday, May 7, 2024 - 07:42

You should be able to go to one app, in editing mode, add it to the drag session, find another one, add it and so on until you've added as many as you like then move it to the next page by dropping all of them on it.

You'll have to sort them out but that should work.

By Lee on Tuesday, May 7, 2024 - 07:42

That's what I'm doing. but as you may know resetting homescrreen deletes all folders etc. a real pain.

By Brad on Tuesday, May 7, 2024 - 07:42

no, I didn't know that, that sucks.

By Mabbs92 on Tuesday, May 7, 2024 - 07:42

Hi, I've done this before. Here's what you do:
* Double tap and hold on the page picker and it will say "started editing".
* Do a regular Double tap on the page picker and you will see a list of all your pages.
* Now, you can swipe up or down on each page to locate the "drag page" option. Once you double tap on "drag page" on one of these pages, navigate to a page before or after where ever you'd like it to go. Swipe up or down on it and it will say "drop before/after<page number>". You double tap here and the page should be moved.
* Tap on the "done" button in the top right corner to finish or go home.

Let me know if you'd like me to clarify anything.

By Brian on Tuesday, May 7, 2024 - 07:42

I said the same thing about 9 replies ago. Maybe the others will appreciate your response more, however. 😄

By Lee on Tuesday, May 7, 2024 - 07:42

Ok it was the double tap twice thing that was the issue. Now that has been explained it would appear to work. However, after just sorting everything out again I ain't going anywhere near it lol.