Mac Pages VoiceOver

By Guenther, 6 April, 2024

macOS and Mac Apps

Hi there, is there a way for VoiceOver to speak cursor position by reporting distances to left and top of paper and / or margins?
Best regards



By Guenther on Thursday, April 11, 2024 - 07:39

it is always a little adventure to fill out and handle templates in Pages that came with Pages software. A simple example is a small template for printing addresses on envelops of letters - sorry my bad English.
First after opening a template and creating a new docznebt, it is not clear what I do by typing data into the text fields. It is not clear to me: does VO speak a proposition in the field, das it report text formats and so on.
Is there a way to open the template and just tab through editable fiels ??
I hope I could describe my fundamental problems with templates in pages. I also could not find tutorials to create new template , step by step. Maybe, someone has a useful link for me?
Best regards