looking to try a diffrent rss reader for my iphone any recommendations please?

By trey, 3 April, 2024

iOS and iPadOS

Hi everyone, hope you're doing well and staying safe :-) I'm currently using feedlpro for my main RSS reader, on my iPhone 15 pro running iOS 17. But I'm wondering, is there a better and more accessible option?
Your recommendations would be brilliant, thank you very much for your help everyone :-)



By Oliver on Thursday, April 4, 2024 - 07:40

Lire, it's great. It is paid but just one time and you can import your feed and then sync it between apple devices nice and easy. It's also got some voiceover specific settings in there which allows you to change the order in which information is given, IE publishe before title, etc.

There is an issue in some feeds where it doesn't seem to automatically load the page and you have to refresh, though I have a feeling that's me having done something wrong but I love it. It's my new and far more informative twitter.

By mr grieves on Thursday, April 4, 2024 - 07:40

NetNewsWire is fantastic - really accessible and works very well. And is free, and I think open source?

I did move to Lire as it was highly rated on here. The two things that persuaded me were a bunch of VoiceOver specific options (which I actually don't really use but it's nice to be considered), and the ability for it to download the content of a news feed so you don't have to keep visiting web sites to view the full story. I think it was £9.99 or something which seems reasonable to me.

I don't think you would be disappointed with either of these.

By Vincent van Itallie on Thursday, April 4, 2024 - 07:40

Lire and net news wire are great options.
Personally I found that some content is not displayed well in lire, so I love fiery feeds pro.
it comes with really good text extraction and costs me 10 bugs per year.
Syncs with all great rss services and very accessible.