Safari vs Chrome

By Matthew Whitaker, 16 January, 2022

macOS and Mac Apps

Hello hope all is well. Comparing Safari vs Chrome for Mac, which one do you use? I'm thinking about switching from Safari to Chrome.
One other question is is it possible to import all data from Safari to that browser?

Thank you so much



By Bruce Harrell on Friday, February 11, 2022 - 07:39

Hi. I recently read an article warning users about Chrome. You might want to "google" it. Wish I could remember more, sorry.

By Matthew Whitaker on Friday, February 11, 2022 - 07:39

Hi. Thanks for that warning. I'll keep that in mind.

By Mister Kayne on Friday, February 11, 2022 - 07:39

I am not using a MAC but a windows PC. However, wanted to answer your question It's really a personal choice; I started with Safari browser on my IOS device and then switched to Chrome because i use the same on my windows computer/ laptop. I have one Google account that is synced across devices and that makes it really handy when you don't have to worry about bookmarks, favorites and reading lists etc. You can make that switch; since you have thought about it there might be a good reason behind it. You can import your settings and bookmarks from Safari. The only challenge is that you will have to learn a new way of working with your browser; not very difficult

By dog on Friday, February 11, 2022 - 07:39

I find Chrome extremely slow. But I think that's my two cents. Try it.

By Siobhan on Friday, February 11, 2022 - 07:39

I know you are asking about Chrome but I also have firefox and Edge. As for the safari not responding issue, for now, it hasn't been to much of a problem. i'll regret saying that.

By Matthew Whitaker on Friday, February 11, 2022 - 07:39

Hello. Thanks everyone for your comments. Really helps out a lot. Keep them coming.
I started using Chrome last night... as far as interface goes, it's a bit different, but I like it. I got my bookmarks imported. I've tried firefox, but something about it I didn't vibe with.
One question I have though is how do you import your passwords into Chrome? I already exported them from Safari.

By Bruce Harrell on Friday, February 11, 2022 - 07:39

DuckDuckGo and have worked for me the few times I've used them, and they claim to be very good at protecting your privacy. I believe they are (or were) free.

By Maurício Sá on Friday, February 11, 2022 - 07:39

I would love to use Chrome as my primary browser, as I already use it on Windows.
I just don't use it yet, because I can't browse and select texts using up/down arrows with fast quik nav off, the same way I do in Safari.

By Ekaj on Monday, March 11, 2024 - 07:39

I've recently been unable to navigate character by character using the left and right arrow keys. Additionally, for whatever reason updates to Chrome have not been installing automatically like they're supposed to do. The issue with Safari not responding is there for me, but it's definitely not as bad as perhaps others have reported.

By mr grieves on Monday, March 11, 2024 - 07:39

I used to use Chrome as my work browser and Safari as my home browser, but I find Chrome falls short in several ways that means I have to keep switching to Safari.

For example it has more focus issues than Safari - e.g. in Bitbucket I will often get stuck trying to navigate past someone's name. Or I can't navigate past the visible region of a table if it scrolls off the bottom of a page. Just generally I find it has more issues than Safari.

However, I don't experience Chrome not responding, and I find the Chrome UI is much nicer. The Tabs menu is great - I hate fighting with Safari when I am changing tab. But Chrome does sometimes have problems recognising the current tab, as per Safari, and sometimes you need to fiddle about to give the page focus.

So for work I usually start off in Chrome but inevitably end up having to switch back to Safari if doing anything remotely complicated. But it's good to have them both - if one struggles I can try the other and might get lucky.

If it wasn't for these problems I would probably use Edge as it's the same as Chrome but with the awesome read aloud option. If I have a long technical article I want to read I will switch to Edge and do it there.