Special Request to Speech Central Developer

By Maldalain, 6 March, 2024

macOS and Mac Apps

A very special request to the developer of Speech Central app to fix the bug of bookmarking on MacOS. I am one of early adoptors of the app when it was paid then continued to like it when the developer has made it free. Now the bookmarking issue is making things worse for me and of course for others who use the app on MacOS. I have requested this from the developer earlier and have not seen any fix for this issue.
Simply put the bookmarking does not work on MacOS, I bookmark a paragraph and it does not show in the bookmarked bookmarks section of the app.
Please work on a fix for this issue.



By Maldalain on Monday, March 11, 2024 - 07:50

In earlier versions of the redesigned app Bookmarks and comments appear after I change the view from the popup, I switch to Titles for example then to Annotations and the bookmarks would appear. Now they do not appear at all.

By Labsii on Monday, March 11, 2024 - 07:50

I would be glad to help, but as said before this issue is not reproducible.

I have just tried and bookmarking works well. Technically if you set the filter for only comments to appear this would make bookmarks not to appear. But as this filter is reseted every time you open the document it is almost impossible that you constantly activate this filter by the accident which would be only reasonable explanation for what you said to happen.

As the app now uses SwiftUI this issue should appear on iOS too, which means that more than hundred thousands of active installations of the app would be affected and it is almost impossible that this problem exists exactly as described here and that I haven't received any other report.

I don't rule out that there might be some specific problem like only VoiceOver on the Mac problem, but I couldn't reproduce it in my limited tests with my limited knowledge for VoiceOver on the Mac (which means that i don't completely navigate with VoiceOver on but that in the end I do check whether VoiceOver reads content).

If you can provide some sort of remote connection to your device at the time that we agree I can try to check whether I can get some more clue from that.

By Maldalain on Monday, March 11, 2024 - 07:50

Thanks for getting in touch!
Could you please tell me how to contact you directly to proceed with the remote connection?

By Labsii on Thursday, March 14, 2024 - 07:50

The app and website have the contact option and it is the best and most efficient way to contact me, I respond on such emails nearly always during the same day. I can give you my number for FaceTime and you could share the screen there, or you can send me screen capture directly to email through the app support option.

However chances are that I will need audio capture to understand everything. And there comes the potential problem - Apple doesn't provide audio capture tools on the Mac due to some contracts that it had with music industry in the time of iTunes.

While it is technically possible (I did it once five years ago to record the app previews for the Mac App Store) it was fairly complicated and I couldn't find/test instructions thus far.

If you can work through that part I will certainly take a look at the video or shared screen and try to help.

As I try to update video previews for the App Store I may find the solution soon, but that "soon" can last for weeks (actually it already did).

I can also try to look in the video without audio, but I am not that optimistic that it will be enough but it may still be worth to try at least something.