How request refund for inaccessible app?

By Khomus, 1 March, 2024

iOS and iPadOS

Hi all.

Can somebody tell me how to request this? I logged into Apple's refund site from their support, but I didn't see anything about accessibility and I don't think the app I just bought even shows up.



By Brad on Wednesday, February 28, 2024 - 01:42

Sometimes it takes a bit of time to show up.

GO to

Sign in.

Arrow down or pres c to go to the combobox and press enter on it.

Arrow down to request a refund then tab.

Arrow to other, tab to next and press enter, then you'll be given a list, press x for checkbox to find the app you want to refund, check the checkbox, either press b or shift plus b to get to the next button, now you press e, and then enter, then right what your issue is, for example,, i'm blind and this app isn't accessible, then shift tab to submit and press enter.

My god, I never new how complicated this was until I wrote it down.

By Khomus on Wednesday, February 28, 2024 - 01:42

It still hasn't shown up yet, only Dawncaster, I certainly don't want a refund for that, it's amazing! Now I know what to do when it does show up though. I probably need to wait until my receipt shows up in email.

By Brad on Wednesday, February 28, 2024 - 01:42

That's it exactly.