how to make youtube videos

By game55, 18 April, 2019

iOS and iPadOS

hi my name is amir shah and I am blind I want to make youtube videos on my iPhone or on the computer. But how to I add music in the back round how to you edit when you are blind. Dois anyone no about accessible web sight or app



By dezzi on Saturday, May 11, 2019 - 07:49

I have a small but growing YouTube channel! I use a series of different apps. Some of them include the native YouTube app, iMovie, the Clips app, and backpack studios! These are all apps that are easy to use for people who have visual impairments As I am totally blind, my video isn’t always spot on, but it’s not too bad! A tripod I think could help also because you could set your camera on your tripod and aim it in the direction you want to go I use Clips and iMovie for editing pictures I use the native YouTube app for video if I am doing live video. I also use Blindfold Video then I use backpack studio to add music actually iMovie is what I use to tie everything all together if I need to further explain myself, just let me know! My thoughts make sense to myself, and hope it won’t come across jumbled on here

By Wayne Scott Jr on Saturday, May 11, 2019 - 07:49

I use an app called Backpack which costs about $10 in the App store. I also have a YouTube channel. I use either the native mic, or I have a couple of external mics that I use. Hope this helps!

By game55 on Saturday, May 11, 2019 - 07:49

In reply to by Wayne Scott Jr

how do you use backpack app. I download the app but I can not mix music and how do I sended to youtube I have a youtube account

By Eli on Saturday, May 11, 2019 - 07:49

I am completely blind and make fishing videos which has a lot of moving parts during production. Sometimes not at all when the fish decide not to bite but that’s a different topic.
I movie is my primary video editing software and I have written a guide on how to use it called “A Guide to Accessible IMovie.” It is posted on this site and is basically the same process that I do for my own videos. My channel is linked in my profile if you would like to check it out

By Wayne Scott Jr on Saturday, May 11, 2019 - 07:49

I change the file format to stereo video and then record my audio. When I am dodone recording the audio, I use a photo for the artwork. Then I export it to Camera Roll on my phone. Then I go to YouTube and upload from there. It took a little for more
to get used to, but it's well worth

By Khomus on Sunday, February 11, 2024 - 07:49

I play a bunch of instruments from around the world, well, *play* might be generous in some cases. Anyway, I was using a webcam with my PC, and I still will. But that area's being rearranged right now.

So I thought, hey I have this phone, the camera should tell me if my face is in the picture, so if I set up a desk stand or a floor tripod or something, and get my face in the picture, I should be good to hold up instruments in front of the phone so people can see what I'm talking about, talk about them, and play a bit.

My wife can see, so I've at least got help with it. But has anybody done anything like this? Got a tripod/stand you'd recommend? I've got an iPhone XR if that matters, but I might try to get something newer at some point. But I imagine they're fairly universal.

For the webcam it's just on an upper shelf, weighted down with something so it stays in place. So it's set up such that when I sit in my chair, I'm centered, or pretty close.

That's the kind of thing I'd be thinking of doing, just with the phone in front of me or wherever it would need to be, so I can hold up a flute or ukulele or kantele or udu or khomus or whatever, so people can see it. Then they'd just get whatever they can see, when I actually demo it.

So in theory at least, it should be pretty straightforward. I'm not even planning on doing much editing, if any, unless I have to or I really get into it and want to make more complicated videos somehow or other. I can't imagine what though, this is a pretty straightforward concept, I intro an instrument most people probably haven't heard of, talk about it a bit, and play it more or less badly to let people here it.

The video is just kind of a bonus. But I'm trying to get it as right as I can. So I don't know if there's anything fancy, like a stand that has lights, or a combo of stand and light(s) that works really well, e.g. the light(s) attach to the stand, stuff like that. So if anybody's used something like this, I'd appreciate experiences and recommendations. I think most of the stands I see are desk stands, but I'm honestly not even sure about that.

By Brad on Sunday, February 11, 2024 - 07:49

Well ok, I don't know if it's perfect but there's something called blindtube that a guy is putting together:

You do have to pay for it, it's very cheep, but I like his channel so if I thought about becoming a youtuber I'd consider it so thought I'd put it out here.

The only thing is, I think he has a camra man but i'm not sure about that.