How can I give a good demonstration of Voice control with voiceover enabled?

By SSWFTW, 5 February, 2024

iOS and iPadOS

I have been a voiceover user for 12 years. I have not however played around width voice control too much on iPhone. I am finding it to be quite comparable to Dragon NaturallySpeaking under certain circumstances. I would love to demonstrate it but found that when I do a screen recording it does not record voiceover speech. This is of course with having the microphone on while doing the recording so I can hear my voice but can only hear voiceovers speech when the headphones are unplugged. What is the best way to demonstrate this feature I would love to find one.



By SSWFTW on Wednesday, February 28, 2024 - 07:42

There were a few replies here before the Data loss.
Bruce suggested quickly toggling voiceover on and off while demonstrating voice control. Thank you for the suggestion but unfortunately that would not work in my case. I wish to demonstrate Voice controls capabilities to other voiceover users and demonstrating the ability to dictate and edit text on the fly is dependent on hearing the text read back to you immediately after it has been dictated

By Brian on Wednesday, February 28, 2024 - 07:42

In order to record VO with screen recording, do the following. Note this assumes you have a shortcut to screen recording in your Control Center:

  1. Open Control Center.
  2. Navigate to Screen REcord.
  3. Double-tap and hold. . . a menu should appear.
  4. swipe right until you find Mic, and enable it.
  5. Start Screen Record.

You will get something like a 3 to 5 second count down, so be ready! Close out of Control Center, and once the screen recording starts, it will be recording everything, including your voice, background noise, etc.


By SSWFTW on Wednesday, February 28, 2024 - 07:42

Thanks Brian, but I did do this I still did not have the audio recorded at first I didn't understand but then when I took my headphones out it recorded Voice speech as well as my own just fine. But of course I don't want to do this when I am using voice control because my device hears itself and it can throw off my dictation quite a bit. Regardless, thank you very much for your reply

By Bruce Harrell on Wednesday, February 28, 2024 - 07:42

If you set up your accessibility shortcut correctly, triple tapping the side button will turn voiceover on and off. I'm thinking you can turn voiceover on and off quickly as needed during your demonstration.

By Bruce Harrell on Wednesday, February 28, 2024 - 07:42

I have a recording studio in my home. I wear headphones when recording instead of using the monitors so I don't end up double recording. The headphones also allow me to hear voiceover without recording what voiceover says.

So, two solutions:

1. Have your audience wear headphones while they watch your demonstration, or

2. Put a monitor and speakers in a separate room so they can hear everything and see the screen while you do your own thing wearing headphones.

Hope this helps.

By SSWFTW on Wednesday, February 28, 2024 - 07:42

I really appreciate your answers.
This is helpful bruce. I will see if I can get a splitter to use. AirPods are great to demonstrate to one person but won't work if it's a group of people which is unfortunate. I will have to do something like what you suggested