Signing PDF's on Mac with VoiceOver

By Changeling, 1 February, 2024

macOS and Mac Apps

I have a PDF I need to sign and return for my job. I was told by my supervisor that I could sign the form on my Mac and she provided me the Apple Support directions. I was able to open the file in Preview and find the Sign button. I was also able to create a signature. What i cannot do is apply the signature to the PDF using Voiceover.
Does anyone know how to do this? Thank you in advance.



By Jimmy on Tuesday, February 20, 2024 - 19:07

Haven't yet messed around with this as I've practically lost all hope regarding Apple's Preview accessibility and their incessant refusal to doing anything noticeable for improvement.
But as said, I'll be more than happy to be pointed out I was wrong and learn a way to do this.

By Brian on Tuesday, February 20, 2024 - 19:07

If the signature is a file you have saved on your Mac, you may be able to drag and drop it into the spot on your PDF. Please note, drag and drop is kind of 'hit or miss' these days, but try the following:

1. Navigate to the directory your signature file is located i.e. Documents
2. With VoiceOver focus on the file itself, press the keys: Control + Option + (comma). This will mark the file for Drag and Drop.
3. Navigate to the PDF file, and focus on the signature area within said PDF.
4. Press the keys: Control + Option + (period).

You should hear a looping "swish" sound, and if successful, will hear a confirmation that your item was successfully drag and dropped.

Alternatively, instead of (period) you can press Shift + (comma) or Shift + (Period). This just puts the dropped item to the left or right of your VO focus respectively.

HTH. 😃