Hello, not sure if it is a bug, or if it is something I'm doing unintentionally, but for the last few months sometimes my iPhone 14 stop identifying the text on images, and the only workaround is to reboot the iPhone. Haven't found any setting that I can change to start having the recognition of text turn on again. As a matter of fact, it is even affecting the image description. The test I used to confirm that at a specific moment I'm having the problem is by selecting the icon of the X app in my home screen. If Voiceover is working correctly, I get the message: "Cap X Double tap to open. Possibly Close"This last part is added by the Image Recognition thinking that the X on the icon could be showing a Close button. Although it is incorrect, I understand why is happening. When the Image recognition stops working, I don't get the Possibly Close part of the message, and every time i try to get the description of an image, I don't get it
Is this a bug? Is there anything that I could do in the iPhone to restart the image description without having to restart the iPhone?
Same here
I've also been experiencing this since iOS 17.0.
I typically have to restart my iPhone several times daily to restore this functionality. Some times simply restarting VoiceOver will get it working, but more often than not I need to restart the iPhone itself.
Mine is similar but different
So yes, from time to time, my IPhone 15 Pro Max would stop describing images automatically. I've assigned a jesture to describe images, so doing that usually get's it going.
But sometimes it also happens that that the image description kind of hangs around, and voiceover randumly announces randum image descriptions, even I am long gone away from that image, navigating icons on home screen etc, it continues to announce some old image description. Further, I was in notifications once, and once focused on a notification, I swiped up for clear action, and to my surprise, it announced explore image. Had to do multiple swipe ups to find clear option.
IOS certainly seems to be buggy, even more so then my secondary phone, an Android device. Apps on the other hand, seem more accessible on IOS side.
That's okay but hope it gets fixed quickly!
That's pretty odd as I'll be updating to iOS 17, complete with device update too soon. Oh well, technology is great when it works