Switching activity by context in Sonoma

By mr grieves, 31 December, 2023

macOS and Mac Apps

Before Sonoma it was possible to switch activities for specific apps and websites. In Sonoma it became also possible to switch based on context.

I initially dismissed this as pointless but I have taken a closer look and maybe I was wrong.

With this, you can set an activity to activate based on a context such as word processing, social media, messaging etc.

Instead of switching when an app gets focus it will switch depending on where the voiceover focus is within the app.

For example, I set my Coding activity to activate for Source Code.

I then switched to Xcode. It stayed with the default activity as I opened a project and made my way into the source code editor. At that point it switched to my Coding activity. I used the application menu and it switched back to default. Similarly when using toolbars or panels.

This means I can have all punctuation spoken when editing code but I don't have to listen to it when using the rest of the app.

So it might actually be quite useful. However, I also suspect that it is at fault for breaking the manual activity switching. After vo+x if you choose ana activity then use, say, vo+right it will lose the activity and go back to the default. Probably because it has re-evaluated the context.

Also, not all apps support this. PyCharm, for example, does not seem to use the source code context.

Anyone making use of this?



By Brian on Tuesday, December 26, 2023 - 18:02

Wish I had this feature back in college. My coding classes would have been a lot more enjoyable.

By mr grieves on Tuesday, December 26, 2023 - 18:02

Only thing I found was the page that comes up when you press the Help button which is pretty useless. Think only way to find out is trial and error.