How can I share photos on Facebook with Be My Eyes on iOS devices?

By peter, 29 December, 2023

iOS and iPadOS

I was looking at a post on Facebook on my iPhone using Voiceover.

In order to find out more about the photo, I tried to share it with Be My Eyes.

After activating the photo, I tried getting into the Share options, but Be My Eyes was not in the list as it usually is for all other apps. I even looked into the "More" sharing options as well as the "Edit", but Be My Eyes couldn't be found anywhere in those dialogs.

Is there some way to share photos with Be My Eyes on Facebook using iOS and Voiceover in order to get more detailed descriptions and ask questions about the photo?

As a side question, being new to Facebook on iOS devices, I couldn't figure out where to find my own posts. I only see posts from other folks or reactions to my posts.

Thanks for any suggestions.




By Justin on Thursday, January 18, 2024 - 23:10

You should be able to save the image to your camera roll, then open it up in photos to share it to Be My Eyes. I'd guess it not showing up in the share list is something with how Facebook interacts with the share utility.

By peter on Thursday, January 18, 2024 - 23:10

Yes, I thought of that but figured there would be a more efficient way. Oh well.



By Gar on Thursday, January 18, 2024 - 23:10

Facebook will not allow Be My AI to analyze photos in the first place. I tried it once as I had the option available to me, and Be My AI said that it was sorry, but it was unable to retrieve the photo from a Facebook link.
You could always take a screenshot. Press and hold the volume up button, then press the side button, go to photos, then find the one you just took and share it.
I hope this helps a little.

By Adrian Wyka on Thursday, January 18, 2024 - 23:10

I think the fastest way to take a screenshot.

It works surprisingly well for me.
1. You take a screenshot. (up volume + and lock buttons).
2. In about 5 seconds, you touch in the lower left corner of the screen. You schould hear "Screenshot"
3. You're tapping it.
4. In the new window you tap in the upper right corner. share button.
5. Now you choose to describe from Be My Eyes.
6. When you're done, you can tap done and delete the dump right away.

By peter on Thursday, January 18, 2024 - 23:10

Yes, the screen shot method seems like the way to go. quick and with no left over photos piling up.



By peter on Thursday, January 18, 2024 - 23:10

I have observed with other apps that Be My Eyes can't be shared from giving it a link. When sharing I use the option to "Copy Image" and that works. the "Send Link" option has never worked for me. So, in summary, send a copy of the image, not the link when using Be My eyes.
