So I downloaded the Apple Podcast app again yesterday, after not using it for awhile, and noticed that you now have to download the podcast versese just streaming it to the phone. I thought at one time, you could stream them instead of downloading them, was I wrong here?
Is there an app like Podcast that gives you the option to stream them, and download them also, but has the same amount of content? Also, when you subscribe to a certain podcast, does it put the podcast in your phone, then you download it, or is it already downloaded for you? What is the best app to use for listening to podcasts, or are they all about the same? Do other apps get their podcasts from different feeds, or does Podcasts strictly get them from the Apple store?
And finally, what's the best way to delete them from the Podcast app? I see the podcast, then recently played, and a few other places where the podcast is at within the app.
Thanks for all help, Shane.
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Get down cast. It does all of
iCatcher is an Awesome Choice
Correction on my post
One more thing I meant to add to my comment
Another iCatcher Fan
podcast app question
Ah men to that. I love down