can't get to .Trash folder from finder

By LaBoheme, 19 December, 2023

macOS and Mac Apps

like we used to do, i use "chflags nohidden .Trash"

but it no longer reachable from finder. the only way is from the dock or fin terminal. any solutions?



By Bruce Harrell on Thursday, December 28, 2023 - 07:57

Hi. A few subbgrstionss.

1. Look agt the end of your doc. press vo-d to open it and see if trash is the last item.

2. Use the item chooser after opening the ldist of Mac voiceOver keyboard commands and search for trash. I think there is a command that will take you directly to it.

3. Use spotlight (command spacebar) to search for trash.

4. Go to finder ettings (command comma when finder is open) to confirm that trash has been checked "on" to be visible.

5. When finder is open, open view p;ulldown (vo-m, view, arrow down) to see if anything is being hidden. Unhide them.

There are a few more ways to find trash, but, smiling, personally I think they're garbage. (joke)

Good luck!

Gotta go. sory about the typos.


By Sebby on Thursday, December 28, 2023 - 07:57

That's properly weird! I'm sure I read something about this, somewhere ... but I can't remember where. Even trying to use the "Go to Folder" command to go to "~/.Trash" doesn't work. Very, very odd!

By LaBoheme on Thursday, December 28, 2023 - 07:57

sudo won't work , either. probably using macos system integrity protection (sip)? i don't get it, .Trash/ ain't going to affect system integrity. one can't use any file in that folder unless the file is already being used before being moved into it.