What does everyone like about iOS 17.2?

By Applerocks, 12 December, 2023

iOS and iPadOS

I really like that you can change the default system sound for in coming system notafacations. For the new ios update.



By Enes Deniz on Thursday, January 11, 2024 - 07:43

I knew why this thread could be created and how subsequent posts would also revolve around the same point. Why are you so excited about this one single thing that Apple should actually have implemented much sooner? Given the typical overall nature of Apple and the operating systems it makes and iOS in particular, it's definitely true that we've had several improvements that make the user experience more flexible in the recent 1-2 years. Still, many of these things are so basic features that you have on not only Android devices but even so old phones that used to be manufactured some 10-15 years ago. I still have one fairly intact and functional, and enjoy the nostalgic flexible experience on it from time to time.

By WellF on Thursday, January 11, 2024 - 07:43

there's no feature that I'd call new in this update. I'm glad there seems to be no weird bugs with it though.

By roman on Thursday, January 11, 2024 - 07:43

Oh, well, let me begin by graciously acknowledging the sheer brilliance of the default ringtone selection feature – a groundbreaking innovation, no doubt! I mean, who needs world peace when we can choose our own ringtones, right? Such a basic feature, but oh, the profound implications it holds for the future of humanity!

And, of course, if you happen to disagree with my oh-so-glowing review, don't you worry your pretty little head. We're all ecstatic here in our little bubble, reveling in the glory of a feature that should've been implemented eons ago. But hey, better late than never, right? We're practically throwing a parade for Apple's incredible achievement.

But seriously, folks, what's wrong with a bit of constructive criticism? If you can't handle differing opinions, well, I suppose you could just stop reading this – it's not like we're forcing you to endure our enlightening insights. 😉

By charles on Thursday, January 11, 2024 - 07:43

In one of the replies on this thread, the author said that they don't see any new features. I suggest that you look more closely. Have you seen "journal"? Let's be realistic. That poster, in my opinion, has lost all credibility. I, like others, do appreciate the ability to now change some sounds back to their original, or to other untried sounds. As I have not explored this new operating system very much, I cannot comment on other features at this point in time.

By PaulMartz on Thursday, January 11, 2024 - 07:43

If I can make calls and use my apps (that is, no accessibility breakages), and all my furniture is where I left it (that is, I don't need to retrain my muscle memory), I'm pretty much happy.

By wiljames on Thursday, January 11, 2024 - 07:43

What’S New. Evidently nothing here as people do not read what’s in front of them. Everr seen the text “Learn more?” That, my friend, is where you find what is new with your update.

By MuseumShuffle on Thursday, January 11, 2024 - 07:43

FINALLY having a clock widget that is a digital instead of analog face. In Standby Mode if you were running two widgets and wanted one of them to be a clock it had to be an analog clock.

I submitted Feedback about VoiceOver not interacting well with individual shortcuts in the shortcuts app and that was addressed.

By Brian on Thursday, January 11, 2024 - 07:43

I have only just recently gotten into iOS 17 as I finally upgraded my old SE2 to a 15 Pro, and well, those come preinstalled with iOS 17.x.

Having said that, and though I am not sure if this is an iOS 17.2 feature, or an iOS feature that has existed for a long time now, but I really love that I can unlock my new iPhone 15 Pro with FaceID, while wearing a ball cap and sunglasses.

Something I do often as light absolutely kills my poor eyes. 😎📱

By MuseumShuffle on Thursday, January 11, 2024 - 07:43

Face ID does not work with all sunglasses but luckily it’s worked with all of mine!

By Matt92Machine on Thursday, January 11, 2024 - 07:43

It would be nice if they fixed the bugs with voiceover. I guess that's too much to ask. Maybe in iOS 18.

By Ekaj on Thursday, January 11, 2024 - 07:43

I would like to know more about this new journaling app, if there is info to be had. If not, I'll just wait and see if Santa and his helpers have worked their magic. But is the journaling app actually for long-form thoughts, or does it only accommodate brief entries such as filling in what one ate/drank on a given day? I ask because I will most likely make heavy use of this particular app and am very much looking forward to doing so. Has Apple published anything about it, or are they being secretive? Any input is greatly appreciated.

By Brian on Thursday, January 11, 2024 - 07:43

I have not explored the Journal app, but if you want a simple solution for simple Journaling, there is a sweet shortcut that will allow you to create new Notes with the date and time as the Title.

The shorcut is found under the Gallery tab in the Shortcuts app.

Might be worth playing around with, and the Gallery tab has loads of cool stuff within. 😎🤷🏼‍♂️