How to select and copy text in a browser with Mac VoiceOver

By M. Reza Akbar, 10 December, 2023

macOS and Mac Apps

Hi everyone,

I'm trying to figure out how to select and copy text in a browser like Safari or Chrome with Mac VoiceOver.

Can anyone help me with this??

I'm using a Macbook Air M1 with macOS Sonoma 14.1.2 (23B92)

Thanks in advance for your help :)



By Siobhan on Thursday, December 28, 2023 - 01:53

It's a pain in the ass, because I've never been good at doing things more then one way, Irish idiocy at it's finest... Seriously say you want to copy an Amazon code. Go to the beginning of it, and command, shift, right arrow. so you'll hear "X selected". Then just keep going down until what you want is selected and hit command c to copy it. Now, I'm sure there's a faster way of doing it, but i tend to select to much at once. So if it's a long passage, sorry I'm not more help. good luck.

By Siobhan on Thursday, December 28, 2023 - 01:53

Sorry I wasn't awake and it shows. It is, option right arrow. sorry about that.

By MarkSarch on Thursday, December 28, 2023 - 01:53

In order to select text using Safari is easier then others navigation browser

Simple keystrokes to select or deselect text
Left // right arrow key navigate by characters
right arrow Plus shift will select by character
Left arrow plus shift will deselect by character
Option plus arrows will navigate by word
option plus shift plus right arrow will select by word
option plus shift plus left arrow will deselect by word
command plus left arrow will move to the beginning of the line
command plus right arrow will move to the end of the line
command plus shift plus right arrow will select by line
command plus shift plus left arrow will deselect by line
shift plus down arrow will start selecting the text and shift plus up arrow will deselecting the text that you have selected
VO plus shift plus C will copy the last frase
using google chrome in order to do all the test mention above you have to move the voiceOver focus hitting F7
Hope this help

By PaulMartz on Thursday, December 28, 2023 - 01:53

Normal text selection works for me 90% of the time. When it doesn't, there's always VO+Shift+C.

VO+F6 is handy. If you're not familiar, it reads the current selection.