Radio broadcasting on the mac

By Justin Harris, 6 December, 2023

macOS and Mac Apps

Hello Community,
This question is for those who are involved in online radio. Not sure if there are any of you on this forum or not, but figured it would be worth a shot to ask. Right now, I'm using a program called Radioboss in Windows to do live shows. I've also used Station Playlist on the Windows side. Both of these programs are solid, and both happen to work nicely with screen readers. I am just wondering if there are any decent pieces of broadcasting software out there for mac, that also happen to work well with Voiceover. Said software should include the ability to do the following:
Create templates for playlists based on different file types or categories. These categories would include different music types, plus things like spots, promos, etc. Once these templates are created and saved, the software should be able to generate playlists based on these templates, either manually or based on a scheduled event.
Second, I need the ability to connect and start playback, as well as disconnect at scheduled times.
I can do all of this with Radioboss, no problem. I'm happy with this setup, but just curious as to whether or not there is anything close on the Mac side, that would make it so I wouldn't always have to switch to bootcamp, or if I ever do have a way to upgrade to an m1 m2, or m3, machine, that wouldn't require the use of a vm. Not looking to upgrade any time soon, as I don't have that kind of money, and my 2018 mb air works fine, but I do kinda miss the performance of the Apple chips as for a time I had an m1 air. But, I wasn't always happy with the experience of running Windows in a vm. So, if I could just find a decent and easy to use broadcast software for mac, that would be fantastic.



By William Garcia on Tuesday, December 26, 2023 - 19:23

I've heard good things about Radiologik DJ. This software is designed specifically for radio and Internet broadcasting. It offers sophisticated scheduling and playlist creation capabilities. While I'm not entirely sure about its Voiceover compatibility, it's got a user-friendly interface.

I think this program shoudl offer a more seamless experience on Mac, potentially reducing the need to rely on Bootcamp or VMs.

And don't forget to check whether it's compatible with your hardware.

By Siobhan on Tuesday, December 26, 2023 - 19:23

As we speak, I have downloaded it, opened the folder, coppied and pasted the app and clicked open. It seems to take a bit even on a newer Mac to open. I haven't broadcasted in years so if this looks promising, I might dust off my vocal cords. It's a big file but it's sonoma ready and intel m1 and m2 native it says. visit or something, I googled and I found it from that.

By Siobhan on Tuesday, December 26, 2023 - 19:23

I do like the lifetime idea of software, but it's $450 and the one year's like a hundred bucks less. It does seem pretty accessible. Wonder if this ever goes on sale.

By neosonic2 on Tuesday, December 26, 2023 - 19:23

All of the best and most accessible radio broadcasting software packages out there are Windows-only programs. It's sad to have to admit this as a long-time Mac user, but just as Mac has its strengths for creatives, so too does Windows, and one of those is being a place where readily-accessible and professional broadcasting applications are not hard to find. Station Playlist Studio appears to be the reigning champion in both accessibility, usability, and affordability, with SAM Broadcaster from Spacial Audio Solutions considered by some to be a distant second. Luckily, though, macOS allows you to run Windows virtual machines on your computer so you can get the best of both worlds. Learn more about Station Playlist or purchase your copy now at, or SAM Broadcaster at

By Justin Harris on Tuesday, December 26, 2023 - 19:23

Like I said, I've used Station Playlist before, but lately I like Radioboss better, just that it would be nice to have a program similar to that but an actual mac app, since as previously stated, I haven't always been a fan of virtual machines and the weird key mapping that has to be done to make everything work as needed. Right now, bootcamp is working well for me, and I continue to use radioboss, and it is fine, but eventually these Intel macs are going to lose support, and I will at some point need to upgrade.