Problem while logging in to a user with VoiceOver on mac

By Vsevolod Popov, 4 April, 2020

macOS and Mac Apps

Hello everyone!
So I have the issue.
Recently I switched my mac from english to Russian and everything is fine except of one thing. When I am logging in to my user, VoiceOver starts using Alex voice and starts reading the Cyrillic letters which he cannot read and he starts reading it one by one. I want it to use the standard Russian voice it uses on my user when using VoiceOver. I have tried to reset VoiceOver settings but it didn't help. Also, when I press ctrl+option+shift+command+down arrow to choose the different voice, everything is read by this voice except of the words button, list view, table and others in the login window. How can I fix all that? How can I set the preferences for the VoiceOver in the login window?



By Daniel Angus M… on Monday, November 27, 2023 - 07:53

to have VoiceOver start at login, go to system settings>users and groups. interact, and select the checkbox, use VoiceOver at the login window. authentacate with your adminastrator paswword, then go back to the checkbox. check it. Ventura and later. for Monterey and earlier, replace system settings with system preferences. not sure if that's what you ment.

By Brian on Monday, November 27, 2023 - 07:53

Follow these steps to change your language at the LogIn screen:
Note: These steps assume you are on Ventura or newer.

1. On the login screen, navigate all the way left until you find a button. For me it is labeled as "US button". Your mileage may vary.
2. Click on the button to open a popup menu, whatever the default language is selected will have a check mark next to it, there is also an additional input submenu.
3. Click on the submenu, and arrow down to the Russian language.

That should do it.

Good luck~