App to read audiobooks on iOS?

By shakyJake213, 21 November, 2023

iOS and iPadOS

Hi there
SO getting back into the iOS world now and slowly trying to get modern recommendations for apps. I haven't used this as my main phone for years, so expect a few questions going forward similar to this one.

I'm looking for an application that will let me read audiobooks in mp3 format on my phone. I know voicedream will, but I actively refuse to use that after the absolutely horrendous treatment of its Android users with changelogs that were about as useless as possible with each and every update. Also the idea of zipping up my files removes any inkling of wanting to use it.
That being said, for anyone who also uses Android, I was using smart audiobook player. Is there anything like that on iOS?




By Moopie Curran on Monday, December 11, 2023 - 07:51

I use bookplayer. I'm sorry, I don't have a link, but I know it's in the directory. I'm just curious, why don't you like zipping your books? I like bookplayer, because you can import your books as .zip files, if you choose to do so, but I don't think it's a necessary prerequisite, and it unzips them automatically and imports them. That's much closer to smart audiobook player than voice dream is, although I admit, I use bookplayer and voice dream on iOS, and smart audiobook player and listen audiobook player on my android media player. I hope this helps.

By Jeff on Monday, December 11, 2023 - 07:51

I use BookPlayer for mp3 audiobooks. It's simple to use and accessible. If you import a zipped archive, it will automatically unzip the book for you. But the audiobook does not need to be zipped. The thing I like best about it is that it supports my second gen airPods and it's free.

By Ekaj on Monday, December 11, 2023 - 07:51

I've heard of the apps mentioned here and will definitely have a look at them, once I get my new iPhone hopefully for Christmas. I don't know if you are an NLS patron, but if so you might want to check out their BARD app for smartphones. It might not be able to read .mp3 files, but it is an awesome app and is free. Also the native files app is pretty good. I haven't done much with it due to time constraints, but it does mp3 files. Also Dolphin EasyReader might be another free option. Hth and good luck.

By gailisaiah on Monday, December 11, 2023 - 07:51

I've recently signed up with Audible. I don't know their file format but their books play right on your phone. It's a paid app, as you may know, but, at least in the plan I have, I get one credit per month which means you get a free book.