Bizy Bizy in Safari on Mac OS

By paras shah, 21 November, 2023

macOS and Mac Apps

Hi all,
Can you give me some websites that are causing issues with Safari? For example, having the Safari bizy errror when navigating the website.
If possible, let me know what model the Mac is. For example, MacBookPro 2017.



By Maldalain on Monday, December 11, 2023 - 07:44

It is the thirteen inch
I like how you spelt busy

By William Garcia on Monday, December 11, 2023 - 07:44

Not sure about any specific websites. Generally, sites heavy on JavaScript or with complex graphics can sometimes trigger it. Also, websites not optimized for Safari or those using outdated web technologies might be culprits.

The mac I usually use at work is 2017 21.5-inch iMac.

By Bruce Harrell on Monday, December 11, 2023 - 07:44

128gb ram. 4tb internal ssd.

There are no particular web sites that trigger busy busy or safari not responding, not in my experience.

By PaulMartz on Monday, December 11, 2023 - 07:44

Bruce, what on Earth do you do with your computer, that you need 128GB RAM and 4TB SSD? That sounds like one beast of a machine.

By Bruce Harrell on Monday, December 11, 2023 - 07:44

Hi Paul. I use my monster computer for audio recording and engineering using logic, Pro, X and lots of plug-ins. The monster helps me avoid latency issues. It also allows for many more tracks being worked on simultaneously. Because I have a monster, I am inclined to believe that the busy busy problem is not the CPU or inadequate ram size. Rather, I’m inclined to believe it is a conflict in the operating system software.

By PaulMartz on Monday, December 11, 2023 - 07:44

I figured it wasn't image processing work. Keep rocking.

By paras shah on Monday, December 11, 2023 - 07:44

Hi all,
Please try to give me a consistent website where this issue reproduces. We are trying to fix the issue. As stated, websites with java scripts and lots of images.
Also, how many tabs do you have open when this issue reproduces?
Thanks all

By yuehun on Monday, December 11, 2023 - 07:44

Hi paras
I have a MacBook Air from 2019. The place I've encountered this issue the most is on YouTube with high bitrate 4K videos. When I open the YouTube site from Safari and click on a high bitrate 4K video, simply moving the VoiceOver cursor around causes the problem to occur quite easily. Even if Safari hasn't stopped responding at this point, it becomes very sluggish. If I right-click in the player area to view details, I can almost always recreate the issue. Once the issue occurs, the only way to resolve it is by completely shutting down Safari with CMD + Q and then reopening the page.
Fortunately, I haven't encountered this problem on my m3 Pro MacBook Pro, but my other m2 Mac mini sometimes runs into the same issue at the same place, although it usually only takes a few seconds for it to return to normal.

By Bruce Harrell on Monday, December 11, 2023 - 07:44

Who is “we”?

By TechAgnostic on Monday, December 11, 2023 - 07:44

I didn't know that the english word for busy was changed to bisy. Why wasn't I informed? If we as a society want to be taken seriously as people who are blind. Spelling and grammar should be a top priority for all. I understand that english might be harder for others because of language bariers. However, there are spellcheckers and AI is really good about checking spelling and giving suggestiions. Just my two cents for future posting.

By PaulMartz on Monday, December 11, 2023 - 07:44

Please take a look at David Goodwin's post. In particular, see my comment titled, "For those of you not experiencing this issue." In that comment, you'll find links to several places where this issue has been discussed at length.

Why do I mention this comment? Because the OP seems somewhat uninformed about this issue. With that comment, the OP can follow the links and read the previous discussions. After a little research, it should be clear that no one has ever found a website that consistently reproduces the problem.

I appreciate that people are looking into this issue, which I understand is fixed in MacOS 14.2 beta. But anyone who is serious about confirming, investigating, or fixing this issue owes it to themselves to do a little research first. All the information is readily available. We should not need to repeat it here.

By Bruce Harrell on Monday, December 11, 2023 - 07:44

The most helpful post award today goes to Paul! He's absolutely right, and there's no rancor, not by him, not by me.

Thanks, Paul.


By paras shah on Monday, December 11, 2023 - 07:44

Hi all,
Thanks for your comments. I will look into the YouTube issue experience here, but in my experience, I have rarely had the busy busy issue.
Really appreciate it.
I’m using the M1 MacBook Pro.

By SplendidFault on Monday, December 11, 2023 - 07:44

I think he / she decided to troll the forum, presumably out of boredom or something.