seaking accessible app for piano jaming

By Ramy, 16 November, 2023

iOS and iPadOS

Hello all:
I need an accessible app on ios that has good drum loops specially jazz swing, to practise piano.
I found some apps like "Genius Jam Track" but it's not accessible at all.
so, i need your help



By PaulMartz on Saturday, November 18, 2023 - 22:12

I use GarageBand on Mac, and could set up a loop to play along with. I imagine you can do the same on iOS.

I have been teaching myself piano for the past two years. The nice thing about piano is that you can accompany yourself, chords with one hand and solo improvisation with the other.

By Ramy on Saturday, November 18, 2023 - 22:12

AM a logic user, but I tried Garage band on ios, but can not understand or use it a at all.
ANy ideas?

By Brian Giles on Saturday, November 18, 2023 - 22:12

With the help of a VoiceOver section in the GarageBand user guide, I started teaching myself GarageBand on the iPhone. While most of it takes some work for me -- I chalk that up to me being an audio production newbie, I've been surprised at what I've been able to do with it so far.

I will say though, that it helps a lot to be familiar with using your iPhone with explore by touch. While GB makes extensive use of custom actions in the VoiceOver rotor, it's a good idea to know where controls are. GarageBand has made me understand more why sighted people love their computer mice so much. lol

As for playing a keyboard in the app along with a loop, I don't have a midi controller to play around with, but now I kinda want one! I don't think the iOS version has the musical typing feature that the Mac does, even with a bluetooth keyboard. I recorded a little bit with the touch instrument keyboard for something I was working on, and it took a lot of takes before I got what I wanted because I had to guess where the notes were on the virtual keyboard since that part of GarageBand uses direct touch. would've been way easier if I'd had a physical midi keyboard.

By Ramy on Saturday, November 18, 2023 - 22:12

THANKS SO MUCH for this, very helpful tutorial.
however i think that this is very complicated for what i need.
i need all i want is if i need to practise something with a rock drum loop, i can instantiate the loop inside an app then start playing, and i need to make it faster or slower for practising purposes.
I think that Garage band can do this easily, but is there an easier way? or away to do this inside garage band, that is straight forward?Thanks in advance

By Laszlo on Saturday, November 18, 2023 - 22:12

I haven't tried Ableton Note yet, but based on its review here it can definitely do what you'd like. Among other things it has 56 drumkits to choose from and you can set up a loop with those and tailor it to your need or liking. According to the review, Ableton Note is very very accessible and at six bucks it's surprisingly cheap compared to its feature list. And I suppose it would be much easier to reach your goal with that app than with Garage Band, as Ableton Note is exactly for creating musical phrases quickly.

By Ramy on Saturday, November 18, 2023 - 22:12

Very great idea.
will consider watching the interview.
is it on Applevis?
and can't we achieve this in garage band on ios?

By Laszlo on Saturday, November 18, 2023 - 22:12

Ableton Note has an app entry on AppleVis, that's what I referred to. You can find it by searching for Ableton Note on AppleVis.
I am sure it definitely can be done in Garage Band, but as it is a very very complex app with zillions of features, I thought that this would be a simpler alternative, much closer to what you'd like.

By Ramy on Saturday, November 18, 2023 - 22:12

Thanks so much will search for it.