Is there a way to get safari out of the side bar?

By Siobhan, 28 October, 2023

macOS and Mac Apps

This is happening on a Macbook pro m1 13in I go to a website, I just used,uk Once it loads, i know because it speaks the number of links etc, I'm stuck in the side bar. tabbing does nothing except reading the tab overview, and I notice I'm in the window spots menu but I can't get out of it. Now when I close the window, command L to open a location only gots a small sound like the command isn't recognized. Turning off and on voice over yields nothing so I have to quit and reopen safari. Can anyone reproduce this behavior and figure out a way to get around it? I didn't have any luck with command accent either. Thx.



By Brian on Saturday, November 11, 2023 - 07:43

Is it only daily Or other web sites too? Can you elaborate on what you do exactly to get this bug triggered?
It sounds like you are stuck in the tab overview when you press Command L.

Sorry if I misunderstood your post. Been up since the crack of dawn.....

By Andy Lane on Saturday, November 11, 2023 - 07:43

It’s been a while since I left mac but I’m guessing niether of those work otherwise you wouldn’t have posted this. The other option is of course to never ever ever go to the daily mail. lol.

By Brian on Saturday, November 11, 2023 - 07:43

VO + Shift + down arrow or up arrow interacts and stops interacting respectively. VO + "j" is the red headed step child no one here really wants to acknowledge.

By Andy Lane on Saturday, November 11, 2023 - 07:43

Exactly, thats why I suggested VO up arrow to stop interacting with the sidebar. I knew Siobhan would have tried that as its standard navigation but you never know which is why I thought it wouldn’t hurt to write it just in case she was stuck on trying to tab out. I wasn’t aware VO J had become the devil since I last had a mac. Back in the pre pandemic era it was a little unreliable and unpredictable but wasn’t at the level it has clearly ascended to since then.

By Brian on Saturday, November 11, 2023 - 07:43

I'm sure she has tried everything under the sun to get out of the tab overview. I know I have been stuck in it a few times on Monterey and/or Ventura. And it usually takes pressing Command + W to close the window entirely. Not the browser, but the window I'm stuck in.

Her issue seems either unique to her Mac/use case, or I am too braindead this lovely Saturday afternoon to understand it clearly. 😅

By PaulMartz on Saturday, November 11, 2023 - 07:43

This does happen to me occasionally, and I just saw it happen, so it's fresh in my head. Like all things MacOS-Safari, it's random, not reproducible, and has nothing to do with the specific website.

One difference: I do not keep the Sidebar open. Otherwise, I'm sure this is the same issue.

I was attempting to read a website that I visit so often that I leave it open in a tab. This was the first time I tried to read the website since booting a few hours ago. I can VO+Left and Right arrow through all the boilerplate Safari controls (toolbar, tab bar, vertical splitter, etc.). But when I VO+Right from the Vertical Splitter into the main web area, I hear VO announce Web Content, and that's all I get. Here's what I tried.

* While I'm on the Web Content, VO+F3 says, Web Content. VO+F2 correctly announces the name of the website.

* Interacting with Web Content doesn't give me access to the web page. VO says Interacting with Web Content, but the situation remains the same. I'm pretty sure it said, Content is Empty. But I have enough residual vision to see that the web page is displayed visually and scrolls up and down when I scroll with the mouse.

* As Siobhan said, VO+U gives me the Windows Spots menu, but no menu for links, headings, etc.
* Command+R refreshes the page but doesn't change the situation.

* VO+F to find content that I know is on the web page fails to find anything.

* VO+J moves me to the Web Content, but doesn't otherwise change the incorrect behavior.

* Command+F5 to toggle VoiceOver doesn't change the situation.

* Control+Tab to other websites works fine, and the other websites do not exhibit this issue.

The only workaround I have found is to Command+W close the tab, then Command+T open a new tab and re-enter the URL. I didn't try Command+Q and restarting, though I imagine that would also work.

By Brian on Saturday, November 11, 2023 - 07:43

Are you using compact or standard tabs?
Are you using horizontal or vertical tab layout?
Reader view or standard view?

You mentioned side bar being disabled/hidden, but what about Toolbars?
The favorites bar?

Refreshing the page:
You mentioned command + "r" to refresh, but have you tried option + command + "r" to refresh from the server?
Have you tried toggling VO on and off?

Just some things to try out. 😀

By PaulMartz on Saturday, November 11, 2023 - 07:43

When I hit Command+T to open a new tab and go to the address bar, normally I hear VoiceOver announce, "smart search field Search or enter website name has alternate items."

Other times, I press Command+T, and VoiceOver is incorrectly silent, leading me to believe that nothing has happened. But it has happened to me enough times that I know a new tab is open and focus is in the address bar, so if I simply type the URL as normal and press return, the web page loads normally and VoiceOver works fine.

By PaulMartz on Saturday, November 11, 2023 - 07:43

Safari not responding, empty web content, Siobhan's issue, and the Command+T weirdness. One thing they all have in common: VoiceOver misbehaving while using Safari in a way that is intermittent and almost 100% not reproducible.

By Brian on Saturday, November 11, 2023 - 07:43

Instead of Command (T) try Command (N) to open a new window. Do everything else as you normally would within Safari, with the understanding not to use Tabs.

I cannot say for certain at this point, but IMO ever since they added the ability for us to modify our Tabs, the tab functionality has gone down the drain.

Just my observations, if you can trust a blind man to "observe" anything.

By PaulMartz on Saturday, November 11, 2023 - 07:43

I can switch to using windows instead of tabs, but the issue is so intermittent it could be months before I know if it makes a difference.

I agree with your assessment that tabs have gone downhill. Sometimes I manage to open multiple tab groups by accident and I have no idea how I'm doing it. Once that happens, switching between the tab groups, identifying what tabs are open in each tab group, and closing unwanted tab groups are all twelfth level wizardry spells that elude my mastery.

By ct on Saturday, November 11, 2023 - 07:43

I just CMD + L to the URL bar and press enter to reload it that way, that's the only way I've found so far to get it back to normal again

By Siobhan on Saturday, November 11, 2023 - 07:43

Open a window, I go from a blank safari has no windows, to command L. Then type the address as fast as you can. Note, could anyone find a way to shut up voice over as i'm typing? my echo's set to nothing and it still flips out as it tries to keep up with my speedy typing. Anyway you might hear, Safari not responding, app apple, vis, as i go to this site for instance. However you figure it out, it's wicked annoying.

By Brian on Saturday, November 11, 2023 - 07:43

Not the best 'fix' for you, but I have a Keyboard Commander shortcut which does the exact same thing as a 3 finger double tap on your iPhone/Mac. In other words, it mutes VO speech. Good for typing out long strings like addresses, etc.
Anyway, I have my KB shortcut set as:
Option + Shift + 'V'.

Might at the very least help with VO spazzing out on you while in the address bar. 🤷

By Siobhan on Saturday, November 11, 2023 - 07:43

Makin me work again? lol I get it, just wish they'd fix it. Thx though

By Brian on Saturday, November 11, 2023 - 07:43

Is why you adore me. True story. 😇

By PaulMartz on Saturday, November 11, 2023 - 07:43

It just happened again, while opening

Yes, I was opening it in a tab. Old habits die hard. Sequence of events:
* I press Command+T. Nothing out of the ordinary.
* I enter "" and press Enter.
*VoiceOver says nothing, which is out of the ordinary.
* VO+F2 correctly identifies the window name as AppleVis.
* VO+F3 tells me I'm in the address bar.
* VO+U will only let me look at Window Spots.

Based on above random suggestions, I tried a few things. I navigated to the tab bar, found the tab for the new AppleVis tab, performed a right mouse click, and selected Move Tab to New Window. This gave me two windows, one with my usual handful of tabs, the other with AppleVis, which was still unresponsive.

So I went back to my first window and repeated everything, starting with Command+T, This time, AppleVis opened without issue.

Next, I switched over to the dead AppleVis window and it was still dead. This proves the problem isn't with the server.

Finally, I did a refresh from origin with Command+Option+R. And the dead AppleVis window was still dead. So I closed it.

Now I'm back in my first window, the one with all the tabs, and I'm in the tab I used for the second AppleVis attempt. It all works fine. It's baffling.

Honestly, all this bizarre Safari and VoiceOver behavior is exhausting. I just wish they'd fix this mess they've created. It's a web browser, for heaven's sake. It's not finding billion-digit prime numbers or searching for signs of extraterrestrial intelligence in SETI data or trying to pick out early signs of cancer from CAT scans or playing chess or solving the traveling salesman problem or picking tomorrow's winning lottery numbers. Why can't they just make it work?

By PaulMartz on Saturday, November 11, 2023 - 07:43

After the first attempt in a tab failed, the second attempt in a tab worked fine. And I'm in a tab now. So unless you have hard evidence that tabs are the source of this issue, I'm skeptical.

By PaulMartz on Saturday, November 11, 2023 - 07:43

It should be worth noting that I sometimes see similar behavior with Google Chrome.

I keep Chrome open to exactly one website, so it's not using tabs, other than the single tab in the single window. Most of the time, I have no problem with this usage. I Command+Tab to Chrome and the website is there and functional.

However, every once in a while, VoiceOver won't interact with the HTML content on the page. If I press VO+U, all I have access to is the Window Spots menu, very much like what is described in this thread with Safari.

Unlike Safari, I can fix the problem in Chrome with a simple refresh Command+R.

By Brian on Saturday, November 11, 2023 - 07:43

Was just that, a suggestion. I offered it because I have not seen this behavior as you and others have described. I am on Sonoma (14.1) and never use tabs myself. I just find it easier to have multiple windows that I can swap through as needed. Or use Mission Control with.

So yeah, just an offered suggestion to try. Nothing more.

By Siobhan on Saturday, November 11, 2023 - 07:43

Singer girl, your comment is well meant, however it's those as others have written that completely piss me off. Why? Not because anyone means any harm, because someone denounces the platform without even giving it a try, or as I've posted before, sees something difficult and just, I know i'll go back to what I know windows. It frustrates me to no end when I see posts like this. Is the Mac perfect? No. Yet I don't see anyone trashing Windows, like I could if i were to use it and point out every flaw and issue I come across. I don't for three reasons. One, I'm an adult and what works for me, might not for you but I don't trash it. two, the Mac needs more development but it won't work with disheartening posts like these. Three, Grow a pair of male genitalia and try it. someone, anyone, then fight like F to really get things done instead of just saying, oh it doesn't work, I can't work with a beta, blah blah blah. We have a right to use what works. I won't stop being angry when people decide in however they do, that something doesn't look right, so why get it? Be part of the solution. This isn't really meant at one commenter, it's annoyance people just use what is the mainstream OS and not put their balls out and really try to give another accessible alternative to anything. I'd rather use a few differing solutions to do what I need, instead of oh my work gives me this, I'll use it because everyone else does. Leaving now before I get deleted.

By Brian on Saturday, November 11, 2023 - 07:43

Best. system. ever.