Your Guided, a new iOS App

By Dherion, 3 October, 2023

iOS and iPadOS

I'm excited to introduce a new app I've developed for the iPhone.
I created this app to address a personal need, as I often needed a way to note down pathways I didn't frequently take and read them with ease.
A friend of mine liked it and said, "Hey, tweak a few things and release it. Many of us could find it useful."
Here are the app details:
Easily manage and share pathways. With "Your Guided", you can add pathways and share them with your contacts, aiming to jot down specific directions to get somewhere easily and conveniently.
Ever gotten lost and forgotten which way to go?
With "Your Guided", that won't happen again. Add a pathway to the app with detailed steps and refer to it when needed.
If you wish, you can share it with your contacts, allowing them to import it into their app with just a click.
Of course, all of this is accessible.
You won't have to worry about losing your pathways as they're automatically saved to your iCloud.
If desired, you can even add a pathway on your Mac or iPad and access it from your iPhone, thanks to synchronization.
Caution: Be very careful when following directions. "Your Guided" is an app designed to allow blind individuals to share and remember directions to get places or navigate indoors. The app cannot guarantee that all directions you receive are safe. Add and follow pathway instructions from trusted people; your safety may be at risk if you don't ensure this.
And, of course, here's the link:
Sorry for my bad english, is not my native language.



By Steve Mann on Wednesday, October 18, 2023 - 22:28

I just searched in the app store and I can't find the app, no matter what I do to tweak the search terms. this app sounds like something I seriously could use, but it's not showing in the app store. How precisely am I supposed to get it if I can't make the app store cough it up?