How do you work with tables in Safari for iOS?

By Vsevolod Popov, 21 October, 2023

iOS and iPadOS

Hi all.
I thought that I might read tables in Safari on my phone and I understood that I absolutely don't know how to do it comfortably enough.
When reading tables with swiping left/right VoiceOver goes in a really strange pattern, I don't understand how it goes through table when doing that but it seems like it doesn't go by columns in a row and then to the next row Like you can do with Windows screen readers when pressing CTRL+Alt+Arrow Keys.
How do you navigate through tables in web? Thank you!



By Bruce Harrell on Wednesday, October 18, 2023 - 23:09

Hi. I sympathize. It took me a long time to figure out a few things about tables, and there's more I'd like to learn. Here's what I did learn.

In settings>accessibility>voiceover>rotor>rotor items, enable all table related items. In verbosity, I have all table related items set to speak. These settings adjustments helped me a lot to find and navigate inside tables.

I don't know why swiping left or right doesn't read items column by column in the same row. It works for me. Maybe you should experiment with moving by line or by word when swiping?

I hope this helps. Good luck!


By Vsevolod Popov on Wednesday, October 18, 2023 - 23:09

Actually, the situation has changed in iOS 17. I checked and everything is read as expected when swiping left/right and there is no rows option in the rotor. There problem with tables was before for a long time.I checked tables option in rotor and lines are already checked.
Thank you again!