Subtasks in Reminders

By Misty Dawn, 18 October, 2023

iOS and iPadOS

How does one access subtasks in Reminders with VoiceOver?

The only way I can find to do this is to go to View Details and then to Subtasks and then interact with them there.

Is there an easier/quicker way?



By Yvonnezed on Saturday, November 11, 2023 - 07:39

On my iPad at least, if you’re on a task with a subtask, there should be an expand subtasks and collapse subtasks option on the actions rotor.

By Larry on Saturday, November 11, 2023 - 07:39

Hello, if you focus on a task with sub-tasks in your list there should be an expand/collapse option in the flick-options.
Also, when adding new tasks you can easily convert main tasks as sub-tasks. If you use the flick-option on a task you can convert it to a sub-task of the main task above it. Not sure what the English term is, maybe Indent or something.

By Misty Dawn on Saturday, November 11, 2023 - 07:39

The expand/collapse thing doesn’t work for me. When I expand, I see nothing at all below the main task in the list. All I see is the next main tasks. I see no sub-tasks under the task I’ve expanded.

Please help.

By Misty Dawn on Saturday, November 11, 2023 - 07:39

Actually, now not even seeing that option at all with a task that definitely has subtasks.. Weird

By Yvonnezed on Saturday, November 11, 2023 - 07:39

First, can you say what version/device you’re using this on ?

The only suggestion I have is, create a new task. Create a second task. Go to the second task and on the actions rotor you should see indent - select that. Go back to the first task and check the rotor again. There should be either expand or collapse subtasks.

The only thing I’ll say is, when you double tap expand, lift your finger and wait a couple of seconds and then look for the task again. I often found that with menus that did this, sometimes VO didn’t see the new content if you just kept swipin, particularly with older machines like my original iPad Pro 9.7 that I’ve just replaced, â˜ș.

By Larry on Saturday, November 11, 2023 - 07:39

In the main task list, if you have expanded the sub-tasks using the flick option only non-completed sub-tasks will show. For example, if I mark a sub-task as completed it disappears from the main list and can then only be accessed through the option OP described. Maybe you can change this setting by allowing to show completed items, but I have not looked into that.