Getting reacquainted with Knight Commander.

By Hilary Reed, 18 September, 2023

iOS and iPadOS Gaming

Hi all. I am having some trouble with Knight Commander. I admit that I abandoned the game for quite a while due to being in college and just being very busy in general. So now, it looks all new to me. The main issue that I am having is that I cannot get my folk to do separate tasks. For example, if I send one person to get wood, this command is followed by more than one person. I know that in the latest game version, all players are on Team Alpha at the start. So, how do I get their jobs separated? Do I have to assign each person to a new team? I don’t remember this in older versions of the game, but as I said, I haven’t played in a while.

Thanks for the help.



By Kelly on Saturday, September 23, 2023 - 13:11

Yes, you must reassign each person to their own team if you want them to behave independently.
That being said, I personally find it most helpful to leave them all on Team Alpha to start off, since one person can't do all that much. My strategy is usually to put four on each team once I get more people, but that's a personal preference.
Hope that helps!

By Hilary Reed on Saturday, September 23, 2023 - 13:11

Okay, thank you. :-0

By Hilary Reed on Saturday, September 23, 2023 - 13:11

So, what do the scavenge and dose buttons do?

By Ashleigh Piccinino on Monday, October 23, 2023 - 13:11

When you're on the Team Alpha part, double-tap and hold--only on the second tap. a menu comes up about assigning teams, and you can see "Assign to different" somewhere there. Also, both scavange and doze let you get some time and energy back quickly, hybernate takes longer, of course.