Change voice Over volume when any bluetooth device with the designated type Headphones is turned on

By mcox, 13 October, 2023

iOS and iPadOS

Hello, All,
I was wondering if it would be possible to have Voiceover's volume change from the 10% I have it on when using speeker, to 100% when connecting bluetooth headphones? Right now I either turn upp the Airpods Pro volume to 100%, or Voiceover, and it's annoying me at the moment.
Maybe it can be done through activities, or automated shortcut?
Anyone have any ideas?
Thank You.
Melissa Cox.



By Brian on Saturday, October 28, 2023 - 07:42

You could do this with an Activity. The only downside to this method, is that you would have to manually enable/disable the activity with the Rotor. Having said that, do this:

1. Open VO settings on your device.
2. Go to Activities and make whatever changes you want to take effect when using Bluetooth. Also name it something simple, like "Bluetooth Sound" or something.
3. Back out of Activities, and go to Rotor.
4. Make sure "Activities" is checked.

Thats it. Now whenever you want to use the activity, just activate your VO Rotor to find "Activities" and then flick up or down to find your Bluetooth activity.

HTH. 😀