Installing apps outside of Apple's app store

By Siobhan, 11 October, 2023

macOS and Mac Apps

A poster on here has said, rightly so, that a lot of apps, let's be honest about all of them, are from the app store itself. Why has no one found an app, not on the app store and given detailed instructions to install it? It might be a utility app, or a game, or whatever but if we rely on the app store, we don't branch out enough. Maybe there's a fabulous way to edit a to-do list, but no one has anything except what is released on the app store to go by. why? As long as someone is careful, it's no more difficult then installing a .exe file verses a .zip file. I mean remember Night Owl was not on the app store but a download? I'm sure we can discover different apps and install them with success. apple doesn't want us to install anything except what they deem quality apps. I say reach out and find others. Now, when I find an app outside the app store, install it and use it, I will be the first to post it here. Is anyone in agreement here?



By Brian on Wednesday, October 11, 2023 - 07:37

Disclaimer: If this is breaking any rules. Please direct any disciplinary action to Siobhan. It is totally their fault. Honest!


App Cleaner is a simple application that helps you truly remove apps from your Mac. Not only will it remove the app, but all essential files associated with it, including plists.

How It Works

When you add an app to App Cleaner to be uninstalled, App Cleaner will scan the contents of the app and then scan for all files associated with the app in question. App Cleaner will then remove everything, including preference settings (plist) files, so you are not left with cached files taking up storage space.

Where To Download

App Cleaner can be downloaded from MacSoft at the link below.

By Unregistered User (not verified) on Wednesday, October 11, 2023 - 07:37

This post left me so bemused that I had to log back in.

At first, I was confused and thought this was in the iOS forum, but it is not. There are tools for doing such a thing without jailbreaking.

You can install almost anything from almost anywhere on your Mac. You've been able to do this for a very very long time. Download a dmg from a website, install Homebrew and manage all your packages there, use an app to install more software like virtual instruments, install system extensions so that your Mac can perform basic functions like record your screen and audio correctly.

This isn't some closely-guarded secret. Apple's notarization of Mac OS software in recent years has made that easy installation slightly more difficult, but by no means impossible. Go install stuff. Just watch out for malware.

By Siobhan on Wednesday, October 11, 2023 - 07:37

Hi Jenna. Thx for the response. I was being somewhat sarcastic, ok a lot, owing to the fact, all we see are app store downloads. I agree. Be careful what you install, you're fine. Now Brian? I almost put a Y just because. Did we not discuss I'm a woman? ;) seriously, i'm just opening our eyes so to speak, bad pun, to it's not always from apple, there are good apps. now, I didn't find any yet, but again, thx to Brian, we have at least one, Home brew makes me think of beer. :) Thx all seriously. Wait, you can get Clean my Mac X from them, not just app store. There! found one!

By Holger Fiallo on Wednesday, October 11, 2023 - 07:37

Thought you only could do it there. Apple suppose to create that for them, how is that going?

By Brian on Wednesday, October 11, 2023 - 07:37

Homebrew is God. True story.
I use it for all things Python on my Mac. Was really useful back in my college days for all of my IT courses.
Fyi, if it is not blatantly obvious by now, I am an IT graduate. 😇

Also, Siobhan, I was "trying" to be pronoun neutral. You ruined it! 🤪

By Rat on Wednesday, October 11, 2023 - 07:37

Not all of the apps here are from the app store, there are some that are from their own sites. Some just find the app store easier as it does all the work for you.

By Siobhan on Wednesday, October 11, 2023 - 07:37

Ok so I missed a few apps, but seriously, give people actual websites, they are intelligent enough to install something, if not? Is there an app store link? As for installing apps from outside store to iphone without jailbreaking, gimme help? Please? :)

By Tyler on Wednesday, October 11, 2023 - 07:37

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

A few years ago, I wrote a guide to installation, removal, and security on macOS, where I briefly outline some ways apps can be installed and uninstalled, as well as some tips for avoiding malware. In the future, I plan to write a separate post describing the various security, privacy and anti malware features of macOS, in a way that is somewhat more detailed than what I have in the existing guide.

By Dominic on Wednesday, October 11, 2023 - 07:37

This only applies to iPhones in Europe . I I wonder who this is because of the long quarter battle between epic games and Apple because Apple brand fortnight fortnight. If you want to know more about the battle between come on search up Apple slices Fortnite.

By Brian on Wednesday, October 11, 2023 - 07:37

Does anyone remember way back when, when you could downgrade iOS like you can macOS?

Alas, I feel old now. . . . 🙁