podcast demonstrating the Safari and VO bug in os 10.8.4as well as temporary solutions and workarounds...

By Greg T Kelchner, 9 August, 2013

macOS and Mac Apps
Hello everyone, This is a quick note to let you all no that I have created a podcast demonstrating the bug that a lot of us have been experiencing between Voiceover and Safari in OS X version 10.8.4. I also demonstrate a couple of temporary solutions and workarounds (that do not include rebooting your Mac). Some of you may wonder why I go to such great lengths to demonstrate the bug and may end up thinking, "just get to the solutions already..." but lets not forget that we have new Mac users in our midst as well as those who listen to the podcasts to better educate themselves on their possible transition to Mac If there is anyone who needs this information the most it's the newcomers. Acknowledgments: Many thanks go to the good people at Apple Accessibility for working with me over the past couple of weeks in order to isolate this behavior and verify that this is indeed a bug. Thank you very much to the Applevis team for including my podcast on the site. Last but not least, thank you to those of you who contributed to the various threads on this topic around the forum and detailed your experiences with this bug. I hope the community finds this podcast useful. Sincerely, Blue Orb



You can find it by doing a search of the Applevis site for "Buzzing Around Bugs in Safari for the Mac with Voiceover." If you search the entire site the podcast should come up but you can also narrow your search by clicking on the popup button and selecting the podcasts option. If you use the podcasts app on your iDevice just double tap on Store, then double tap the search tab at the bottom right of the screen and do a search for the same title and it should come up. If you need any more assistance please don't hesitate to let me know. Take care, Blue Orb
Here is the direct link to the podcast: http://www.applevis.com/podcast/episodes/buzzing-around-bugs-safari-mac-voiceover

By Serena on Sunday, August 11, 2013 - 07:37

hi. thanks for the info on this one. was rather confused as to what was going on. seemed different then i have herd others doing. LOL. hopefully apple fixes this one soon.