voiceover and ios 17.0.2

By Patrick Murphy, 27 September, 2023

iOS and iPadOS

firstly, i must admit, that i dont use a lot of the functions on either the phone or the ipad. however, i have just updated my devices today to ios 17.2. i have had the bug of voiceover jumping all over the screen. when i updated, it was worse than ever, but now after an hour or so, it seems to be gone on the phone. i am using siri voice 1 (u.s.), as i find it the easiest to understand. however, one curious thing i have discovered is that since the update, when voiceover encounters a "button" it says "buttin". there seems to be no way to fix this. why did apple bother to change a control that was spoken correctly? surely, this would have been obvious from day one of the update. its not that annoying, just different to get use to. if the screen starts to jump again, i will update this. if you do update, try the "settings" app. this is the one i found that was just unusable, and its probably the one app that needs to be accessible!!! i tried turning off the device, and doing a restart. even after this, it still jumped all over the place. magically, it seems, at least for the moment, to have fixed itself. this has been a problem since ios 16. i do like apple devices, and i have it in my mind to buy a mac, as my windows pc is about to die. i would add a word of warning to apple in relation to this. as all of you probably know, jaws is mostly used by windows computers as its speech software of choice. however, lately, i have found that its more about money than usability. regardless of how many times i report bugs to freedom scientific, they are never fixed. if voiceover starts to become unusable, people will go elsewhere. also, apple are allowing more and more apps to be uploaded to their app store that are unusable. as an example, i recently downloaded the "eufy" security app for cameras i have in the house. the actual cameras are fine and do what they should, but the app is completely unusable. when i rang the apple accessibility line, i was told, that they couldn't really help with third-party apps. this left me wondering, if i download an app, and it doesn't work, is it a voiceover bug or just the app. when i first started using apple devices, nothing got to the apple store without being accessible. please restore this policy apple, before you cause more problems for those of us who use features such as voiceover. be careful!!! its not all about the money, its about the customers using your platform. sorry, i am beginning to rant. my initial subject was ios17.2 and voiceover behaviour. so far, my experience is that things are happening, then fixing themselves, and then happening again. there is no way to track this. as ios improves, obviously, apple wants to insure that voiceover works with all of the new features. apple, stand back for a moment, and examine the actual code controlling voiceover. then add new features to it. as a software developer myself, i know through my 25 years of experience, that if you keep updating things too fast, you introduce more bugs before you have fixed the original problems. you then end up with a system that has bugs in its bugs!!
sorry, i cannot comment on other apps yet, as i only use music, messages, phone and some other basic apps. i am still using my computer for mail etc, so i can't comment on some of the bugs mentioned by other people. however, even the basics have been effected by iios 17.2 release. like some of you, i like to keep my devices up to date. in short, i am a basic user of apple ipad and iphone, but i am worried about jumping from windows to mac. then, i will have to use all of the features on apple devices. has anyone had a similar feeling of dread?
if so, what convinced you to go full apple?





By Siobhan on Wednesday, October 11, 2023 - 07:33

First off, nice to see another Murphy on here. :) second, if you really aren't using many apps on the phone, I'm worried about you and how you'll get along with a Mac. simply put, if you are this frustrated by what you have now, add about five million and a case of scotch and beer to that. For instance, if you encounter an edit field, sometimes you can write in it, sometimes, you have to move focus by pressing voice over space, or sometimes, you are faced with an unlabeled button, you just have to click. tables... You have to interact with them, then usually again just to get something accomplished. I went all in as my box of the day was dead in the water. However here is where i'm different. Mac's are around a thousand dollars plus. You can get a cheap windows box for like 200 and be just fine. what worries me is the attitude of, I don't know how to do this, or I can't, so let me go back to Windows, because that's what i know. I jumped in face first. Is Apple great? no, as I see it because they have their hands in seven, operating systems. Home pod, Mac OS, IOS, iPad OS TV OS, the Vision pro OS, and watch OS. depending on how you learn and your acceptance to be a little convoluted, you can get things done. Patience grasshopper. If you want help I can do what I can. Just don't try once, get pissed off and sell it. For me, the Mac is underdeveloped because blind people use Windows, and there is a very inaccessible market that can be tamed. But most of them want something for nothing. Watch when someone puts out a beta test request. either they don't follow instructions, or just want a free, whatever. Let me know if I can help. Sorry this was long.

By Pax on Wednesday, October 11, 2023 - 07:33

did you mean 17.0.2?
if yes, that was a minor patch that shouldn't bug out anything.

By Siobhan on Wednesday, October 11, 2023 - 07:33

I forgot to correct him. Oops? Murphy's don't stick up for each other lmao

By Patrick Murphy on Wednesday, October 11, 2023 - 07:33

yep, pax, sorry, i meant 17.0.2

By Patrick Murphy on Wednesday, October 11, 2023 - 07:33

Hi Siobhan,
so you are a murphy to?
nice to meet another. thanks for your advice on apple.
i am lucky, in that my daughter has an old one that just needs a battery. this will cost me about 300 euros, so i don't mind that much. she will be getting a new one anyway.
the only reason i asked really, is that i am sick and tired of windows and its bits, so i thought that a change to a mac might be better.
i know, that it is a lot different to windows, but no harm in learing new things.



By Brian on Wednesday, October 11, 2023 - 07:33

Firstly, the Siri voices pronouncing "button" as "butten" is not a new thing. Sorry..
As Siobhan stated, if you are using Windows, stick with Windows. Apple really fubar'ed the latest round of software updates, and you will likely just be frustrated if you attempt to learn Mac at this stage. Windows these days is a solid system and with screen readers such as JAWS and NVDA, you will do just fine. In fact, if you only use a computer for casual internet functionality, then Windows Narrator should suffice. This is built into Windows as of Windows 8, so no worries about downloading unfamiliar software.

Regarding Full Apple, while I cannot speak for anyone else, I personally went Apple (iPhone) in 2012, and Full Apple (iPhone & MacBook Pro) in 2014. Before my MacBook I was using a 1st Gen Chromebook.
Don't judge me.... 😳

Like many here, I have witnessed the evolution of Apple over the past decade, and while I tend to lean toward Apple in terms of mainstream assistive technology, I feel like Apple has lost their focus over the past few years.

/end 2¢

By Patrick Murphy on Wednesday, October 11, 2023 - 07:33

Hi Brian,
what i am trying to get at, is that before i updated to ios 17.0.2, i was on the latest version of ios 16. siri voice male "us" was pronouncing it correctly, whereas now it says "butt in" if you get what i mean. however, once again, it is not consistent. it is only for certain "buttons" that it says "butt in". sorry if i am not clear about what i am trying to get at.


By Troy on Wednesday, October 11, 2023 - 07:33

One difference between apple and fs is that apple will request logs and such from you and are willing to try to track down the bug, fs will just blame your system and that's their story and they are stickin to it.

By Holger Fiallo on Wednesday, October 11, 2023 - 07:33

Thought by now the Murphy people would get their own law. The murphy law what can go wrong goes wrong specially with anyone name Murphy. This is an old issue regarding how voiceover or siri says button.

By Patrick Murphy on Wednesday, October 11, 2023 - 07:33

yep troy, you are exactly right.
at least, apple have an accessibility line, and are willing to share your screen with you to try to sort out something.
it leaves them in a position where they can see the actual problem you are having first-hand.
however, too many cooks spoil the pot.
if voiceover begins to have more things that dont work rather than those that do, it will fall into the same pit as jaws has done with windows.
i know, being involved with software, that nothing is ever perfect, but to start to depend on work-arounds is a verry dangerous approach.
users begin to loose confidence in the product, and as a result, they are unwilling to update to the new version if there is one.
i do think, though, that as a community using accessibility technology, apple should pay attention to us when we refer to things not working, especially third-party apps.
as far as i am concerned, nothing should touch the app store, unless it meets certain criteria laid down by apple in relation to accessibility.
i mentioned earlier, about the "eufy" security app as a prime example.
just for the hell of it, i tried using it again after the update to 17.0.2, and it is worse than ever.
is this their fault, or is voiceover at fault because of its update?
i am not quite putting this together as i would like to.
what i mean is that it didn't work in the first place with ios 16.
i was told it was the app.
that's fine.
however, now that it is worse, is it the changed version of voiceover causing this, which is fine, or is there another bug in voiceover not yet discovered that this app is exposing?
because it is a third-party app, noone knows, and apple are not interested.
however, if they insisted that it was accessible before eufy was alowd to put it up, then i could say for sure, that voiceover was the problem.

i hope this makes sense.



By Patrick Murphy on Wednesday, October 11, 2023 - 07:33


what i am getting at is up till now, my iphone 11 and ipad both said "button". now they are saying "butt in" if you get me.
it might be an old issue, but this behaviour has only changed for me since the update.

By Brian on Wednesday, October 11, 2023 - 07:33

For Windows I prefer NVDA over anything else on that platform. There are so many reasons, but one of the coolest features is to have a portable copy that runs directly from a thumb drive without requiring installation onto another computer. Its a real treat whenever I have to use a different PC for whatever reason, and all I need to do is plug in said thumb drive into the new PC and voila, working screen reader with my personal prefs already in action.
This is essentially the same philosophy behind Apple's Portable Preferences. While every Apple device these days has VO built in, it's nice to be able to plug in a thumb drive and load up your personal VO preferences and get right to work.
At least on Mac computers.

I stand behind my previous comment, that if you only do casual computer stuff, a Windows machine might be less frustrating for you. And in regards to the Siri voice mispronouncing words; at least you can program it to do so correctly from the Pronunciation panel, inside the Speech settings of VO on your iPhone.

HTH. 😅

By Holger Fiallo on Wednesday, October 11, 2023 - 07:33

NVDA like it when I was using it but did not care that I had to purchase eloquence and when I needed to update windows it deleted it and could not install it anymore. Using jaws now.

By Patrick Murphy on Wednesday, October 11, 2023 - 07:33

Hi Brian,

i appreciate your comments in relation to this.
however, i cannot use the Pronunciation panel in vo, because i cannot see or get vo to tell me what it is trying to say.
what i mean is that the word is "button" whereas vo is saying "butt in".
in order for the Pronunciation to work correctly, i have to know what the miss-spelled word is.
if i put in "button" and then "button" it will still say "but in".



By Brian on Wednesday, October 11, 2023 - 07:33

You should be able to enter the pronunciation feature within VO, double tap add in the top right corner (if I recall correctly), type "Button" without quotes of course, and how it is supposed to be spelled, then in the second entry field spell it however you want to make it "sound" correct. That is how it "should" be working for you.
If it is not, then defenestrate your phone and call it a day. 🫤

By Andy Lane on Wednesday, October 11, 2023 - 07:33

Couldn’t you navigate by character over the word bitten and see how its spelling it so you’d know what to change in pronunciation?

By Andrew Engelhardt on Wednesday, October 11, 2023 - 07:33

Hey Everyone,

I am a voiceover user and the bug I have seen is where when your device gets a notification while you have the device unlocked or you are currently using an app and you get a notification and the voiceover does not read it aloud because it does not auto focus on the notification like it did in iOS 16 and below. I am an Apple person as well when it comes to accessibility on mobile devices. I have not used a Mac that often to know if I like it or not. I know the keyboard commands are different from Windows. Anyway, I hope this bug can be fixed. I have been using the Announce Notifications on Speaker setting to hear all incoming notifications for the time being.



By Jonathan Candler on Wednesday, October 11, 2023 - 07:33

This ain't a bug at all! Things are different now. Go to settings / accessibility / voiceover / verbosity / system notifications and there, you'll set how VO reads notifications. You can even have VO set to not read notifications when your phone is silent which I like! HTH. Trust me, I thought it was a bug at first until I looked.

By Patrick Murphy on Wednesday, October 11, 2023 - 07:33

hi andy,
its a good idea, but because it is an actual control, voiceover doesn't let you read its name character by character.
even if i put the word "button" in to the pronunciation settings, and get it to say "button" its still one word pronounced like the other.
its the name of the control that it says wrong.
anyway, its not a huge problem, something i can get used to.
just thought someone might have seen this in ios17.0.2 having upgraded from ios 16.
its something you would think would jump out at the testers regardless of what device they were testing it on.
it also happens on ipad ios 17.0.2
my own opinion, is that apple are becoming lazy when testing their accessibility products.
if their team is short of staff, they should employ more staff, to insure that there are less bugs in their accessibility software especially.
the same procedure happened with jaws for windows, but the lack of attention to how the product worked started long before apple started to drop the ball!!
if they continue with this lack of interest, i can see people starting to try out other types of devices like android.
personally, when i went to a screen phone, apple was the thing.
however, at that stage, i was using an iphone 7, and it was way back in the days so things were good.
i have always believed, as a software developer for over 25 years, that the more you add to a product, the more involved your testing needs to be.
i also found it to be quite usefull, after a while with a system, to stand back and look at what modifications were made over the last few years.
sometimes, i even delayed the release of a system, because i just wanted to fix the existing bugs.
what i mean is that if i have version one of a system, i would fix everything that was reported, make no further modifications and release it again as 1.1
that way, people thought they were getting something new.
you would be amazed at how people react, just because controls have moved or changed colour for example.
they totally believe that it is a completely new version of the system.



By Brian on Wednesday, October 11, 2023 - 07:33

Follow these instructions.
1. Navigate to one of these buttons.
2. The moment VO speaks it aloud, copy VO's last phrase to the clipboard. The default gesture is a 3 finger quadruple tap.
3. Go into the Pronunciation controls, and paste the word you copied by using the rotor to find the "Edit" action, then flicking down and double tapping on "Paste.
4. In the alternate field, i.e. the way you "want" the control" to sound, simply spell out the word anyway you want. For example, if you want the damn button to be pronounced as "banana" then type banana.

Finally, from this point on the control will be spoken aloud as you have set it up in the pronunciation controls.
It. does. not. matter. if. you. can. not. spell. it. letter. by. letter.

By Patrick Murphy on Wednesday, October 11, 2023 - 07:33

hi brian,

thank you for your comment above and the steps necessary.
i will try that and let you know whether or not it has worked.
by the tone of your comment, it seems as though you consider me to be a little stupid.
if that is the case, then i would ask, that you dont answer any of my posts or further comments.
i am simply asking questions and looking for help if available, surely, this is what a forum is about.
as i said, i am not a huge user of the ios system, so there are going to be things that i don't know, like the steps you have described above.
i did not know that you could copy an actual vo phrase.
explaining something to a fellow user of this forum is one thing, but i didn't find your last sentence helpful, or the fact that you referred to the button as the "danm" button.
button would have been sufficient.


By Patrick Murphy on Wednesday, October 11, 2023 - 07:33

Hi Brian,

contrary to your fix, it doesn't work either.
if you use the three-finger tap that you mentioned above, it coppies the actual name of the control rather than its type.
so, when you paste it in, you get "add" "delete" or whatever the name of the button was when you put it into the clip board.
however, you found away around it in your previous post.
i was aware of the Pronunciations section.
what i did, was to add one using the standard method mentioned by yourself above, although when you wrote originally about that, i had tried it but it didn't work.
i typed in "button" and replaced it with "butten" just now.
so far, this seems to have worked.
hopefully it will stay that way.
if it doesn't, i will just leave it as it is.

to everyone involved in this, i am sorry if i am making a mountain out of a mole hill, but i like to rectify things to their original state, if there is a way.
if there isn't, then you just have to live with and get used to it.
thank you all for your assistance .


By Missy Hoppe on Wednesday, October 11, 2023 - 07:33

A friend first told me about this in the late stages of iOS 15, and it's the kind of thing that once you hear it, you can't unhear it. It seems like a majority of voices don't know how to say the word button at this point. I found a spelling that somewhat worked for US female siri, but it still didn't sound natural. It's one of the reasons I still use Alex, although his new love affair with Samantha which causes them to sing duets is driving me bananas. I really, really hope that something is done about that in the next update. Maybe most people can ignore the mispronunciation of button; wish I was one of them, but for such a simple word to be butchered that badly... It just doesn't make any sense.

By Patrick Murphy on Wednesday, October 11, 2023 - 07:33

Hi Missy,

what spelling did you use in the end?
in my previous comment, i did say, that i now had it working.
however, this morning, it has gone back from button to "butt in".
on another small topic, has anyone noticed their battery draining much faster in ios 17 than ios 16?
if not, it doesn't matter, i will ring apple support.
just thought i would throw it out there.


By Chris Hill on Wednesday, October 11, 2023 - 07:33

Whenever there is a new update, things have to be done afterwards that will drain batteries more rapidly for a few days afterwards. Chances are it will fix itself.

By Patrick Murphy on Wednesday, October 11, 2023 - 07:33

i was on to apple user support this morning, and apparently, the apps running in the background are all set to "on".
i had all of these disabled in the previous version of ios, so watch out for that one.
also, they recommended, that i turn off "stand by" if i didn't need it.


By Brad on Wednesday, October 11, 2023 - 07:33

@Holger Fiallo you can download Eliquence for NVDA.

I'm not sure if I'm allowed to post it here but let's just say it's not legal but I'm using it with no issues. It's a github addon, that's the most I'll say for now.

@Patrick Murphy what people are saying is that if you go into the dictionary, and write the word button, then in the pronounciation field write, buttun, for example, it should workk once you've tapped on done.

I've not done this because I use the alix voice and it doesn't bother me so I can't help anymore than that.

As for windows vs mac, I'd stick with windows personally and try NVDA. Or you could go to an apple shop and try the mac there,, they hsould have apple geniuses I think they call them, to help you.

By Brian on Wednesday, October 11, 2023 - 07:33

Except the speech engine is called IBM TTS, and is publicly available. On GitHub that is. It is beautiful, and extremely responsive on NVDA. Thick eloquence, but on steroids. 😀

By Missy Hoppe on Wednesday, October 11, 2023 - 07:33

I honestly don't remember doing it, but somehow, that dictionary entry has disappeared. I can't think when or why I could have possibly deleted it. Sorry about that. As for battery drain, I'm definitely noticing it. I am thinking my phone will need a new battery within the next few months, but as others have said, major battery drain, unfortunately seems to be one of the annoyances in early versions of the update. If I ever figure out what the button fix was, I will try to remember to let you know. *smile*

By Brian on Wednesday, October 11, 2023 - 07:33

Disclaimer: I am not doubting anybody's experiences here.

I feel like this must be an iOS 17 exclusive issue. Now, I know that the word "button" has been mispronounced on quite a few of the earlier versions of iOS overall. However, the steps I mentioned previously have always worked for me in regards to "fixing" this issue. The fact that it does not seem to "stay fixed" leads me to believe that it is exclusive to iOS 17.


By Patrick Murphy on Wednesday, October 11, 2023 - 07:33

i would aggree with this which is the reason i started this topic.
i have never experienced this with any other version of ios, until i updated to ios17.
the fact that it is also on the ipad would indicate that it is ios 17 at least to me anyway, as i have never experienced this before.
now that it is the week-end, i might try downloading the voice again, changing to another and changing back etc.
i have time today to play with the phone a bit.
however, on the other hand, maybe i should leave well enough allone!!
messing might make things worse.
i think, that i may give apple accessibility a ring, and bring this to their attention.
also, i dont know if anyone else has noticed, but voiceover randomally jumps to the top of an application screen.
this is not new, as i have reported it before to apple accessibility, and while sharing my screen, they saw it.
i was assured that this would be addressed, but it wasn't.


By Patrick Murphy on Wednesday, October 11, 2023 - 07:33

hi missy,
go into background apps, and turn off the ones you dont actually need.
according to apple support, if the switch is on, it keeps enquiring from the server all the time.
also, in settings, turn off the stand-by function if you dont need it.
since yesterday, when i charged the phone, i still have 73%.
up to this, my battery was draining every day.


By Holger Fiallo on Wednesday, October 11, 2023 - 07:33

If people want to save battery, check YouTube for tips on saving battery. There are many setting on privacy that helps, also background setting. I have all of them off.

By David7o4g5 on Thursday, January 11, 2024 - 07:33

I noticed all of my voice overs has been saying button awkwardly since I first joined in for the Apple beta software program back in July. when I updated this device, the iPad seventh generation to iOS 17, beta 4, which is actually my first time joining this program. voiceover has.
multiple bugs when it comes to the word button. as the days have go by, when the original 17 update came around in September, it did fix 90% of the voiceover, however, Apple did left behind Siri voice, one, two, three, four, I mean, five, has been saying button awkwardly sends iOS 15.4. but that’s just normal for Siri voice five but the rest, nope! unacceptable! Especially with the other English accent Siri voiceover.
But they should fix this because if they don’t, I don’t even know what is the whole point of updating every single month and every single week when they never fixes the bugs that people are telling them?

By Enes Deniz on Thursday, January 11, 2024 - 07:33

Apparently either Nuance or Apple, or both, have some hidden dictionary, to which we don't have access. I've mentioned this in several other posts. Adding a word as it is (in the way it's written) could still work even if it's spelled in some odd way by VoiceOver that you don't know. So just enter it as "button" and hope that it does work.

By Hmc on Monday, March 11, 2024 - 07:33

Haven't seen the button thing, but I'm using Zoe compact (now just called Zoe) and have noticed the butter issue. It says it almost like budd'hr or something. Read that with Zoe or Samantha. :)

About the original post and macs:
I'm uncertain about the current MacOS; my latest experiences are with High Sierra on Intel of course. I've been meaning to try M1 systems but haven't yet. Apparently they have fixed some of the keyboard to TTS actually speaking lag that is so prominent in stated MacOS versions and prior. I kinda stopped caring about tryna fix the Mac for blind users, because Apple would fix about one in every ten bugs I filed with them.

If you like Windows stick with Windows. However, it's never a bad idea to experiment and at least see if Mac offers something for you that Windows doesn't. Admittedly, it's more about how you like the OS itself compared to Windows. If typical, day-to-day interacttions with things like Mail and Finder are cumbersome, or Safari browsing is painful, I'd not look into it further.
This next paragraph might ruffle some feathers, but I'm gonna just say it.
When I need to get something done, I reach for a Windows machine. Almost everything I need to do can be accomplished easily and quickly with various apps. I have a great media player, file archiver, general productivity stuff like document management etc. However, I basically do all email and simple browsing on a Mac or an iOS device.
MacOS is just better for the solid email. Windows still kinda sucks there. lol.

The thing that I noticed between Mac and Win is mostly how easy and full-featured the apps are. For instance, foobar2000 and XmPlay, both excellent players on Win, support an array of formats and let you convert and organize audio files quickly and with much customization. Upon using the Mac, I had to buy Amadeus pro to get a file converter, Decibel for a half-decent media player, and so on. It's just more BS to get set up. The foobar for Mac these days is much better, but still lacks a conversion utility, 3rd party components, and a keyboard shortcut editor to name just a few things. Those are all vital to a great music player IMO, and so I can't use a Mac for that now. Also, ever try editing ID3 tags on Mac not using iTunes? There's like no good tag editors out there. Or they don't support OPUS format, or VO loses focus everywhere.... It's a stormin' joke.

One note about Windows though before I depart the thread: I'm not thrilled with how needy Microsoft is now. They constantly want you using Edge browser, they always just force install updates without really asking if it's cool or not. They keep nagging me for an online account. True, Apple did that with Apple ID, I hear you say. Well yes, but I don't like that either. I should be able to use my Mac at least without needing to be tethered to the blinkin' internet 24/7.

Bottom line: If you like new stuff, want new voices and a vastly different feeling OS to mess with, MacOS is fun. If you just wanna stick with Windows and NVDA, that's a great option too. It may have seemed like I had nothing good to say about Mac, but it's more like Apple needs to make the focus more on function than how many cameras they can shove into their latest phones. Also I'm typing from an Iphone 15 Pro, so I still think they have the mobile screen reader thing fairly nailed down. It's at least considerably nicer than the toy on MacOS. It has great features but needs pruning and modernizations to beinteresting. Also, app devs are fighting to keep things up to Apple's ever changing standards. It's no wonder Foobar and other apps are so darn slow to mirror their Windows counterparts.

Be well all.

By Patrick Murphy on Monday, March 11, 2024 - 07:33

Hi Hmc,
thanks for your information, i am sure it will prove useful for me. i haven't gotten my hands on a mac yet.
to all of you for your information:
i am now on ios17.3.1
the music app is getting worse every update. now if you select songs, albums, etc, the section index doesn't work.
if you start on "a" for example, it will only allow you to swipe to "b" and then forget it.
voiceover continues to do its wonderful thing with wandering over the screen wherever it likes.
i have had at least 3/4 calls with the accessibility line in relation to these problems, and even though they are suposed to be reported, and i am sure they are by the verry helpful staff on this line, they are never acted upon.
somehow folks, i dont think i will be posting much more here on this topic, as my contributions are always the same, and obviously, nothing is being done.
i dont see the point in having a forum, if apple doesn't pay attention to it.
however, having said that, it helps us around problems rather than them.
with the section index, if you swipe up and down with three fingers, it seems to move the pages of music up/down. however, you will still have to do a lot of swiping in order to find what you want.

cheers and good luck to you all.
