Weather Gods 4.2.0

By Weather Gods (Scott), 12 August, 2023

iOS and iPadOS

Hi Everyone,

Hope you're all having a great weekend.

Just a quick note to say Weather Gods 4.2.0 has been released.

The what's new is quite comprehensive but the summary is :

- we have switched to using Apple's latest technique for watch complications. This means they are more reliable in updating and support multiple places on the same watch face. E.g. you could have two weather gods complications, one for New York and the other for Chicago.
- the watch app has been improved for Voiceover
- you can have Voiceover read the alert titles on any widget or complication which supports alerts. This is useful for a quick summary, without diving into the app.
- all watch settings for weather gods have moved to the main WG app, in the widgets and complications section
- Lock Screen and Home Screen widgets have also been improved when using VoiceOver
- VoiceOver smart conditions can be installed on the inline and modular slots. This means that VO smart conditions can be installed on any Lock Screen slot and any watch face complication

The new way of working with complications can be a bit tricky to setup - mainly because the old ones are still hanging around - I couldn't find an API which allowed me to delete these.

My recommendation for setting up the new watch complications is as follows

1. Launch the WG watch app, you will find the Places screen is showing first
2.Wait for WG to connect to the main app and fetch your favourite places.
3. Test a few places and make sure the weather loads

For those want to use the watch GPS for locations.

4. Swipe to the locate me button on the places screen and double tap. It will start trying to locate you and when it does, there will be a new entry at the top of the list for the current location.

For those who want to have the watch automatically update the complications as they travel

5. Ensure the current location is set - using step 4
6. Switch on the follow me setting. This will use some extra battery so please remember to switch off at the end of the travelling. I'm hoping to automate this in a future update, but it is challenging :)
7. Make sure you have installed a complication marked as "Current Location" e.g. VoiceOver Smart Conditions - Current Location
8. As you travel (about every 10 miles), this complication automatically updates.

I also recommend reviewing all the widget and complication settings in the WG settings.

Finally, a big thank you to all our beta testers and translators! This was a complex update but we got there in the end.




By Holger Fiallo on Monday, August 28, 2023 - 07:27

This app is getting better and better. FYI. If you are going to ad a complication via your phone and you already selected your face, when you are in temperature, Make sure it says your city. For exanple. Chicago temp. That is the new one. I am sure If I am wrong Scott will tell us. The old do not says your city. Have fun. The app is doing well in the watch and I am sure it will do great with the OS 10. Thanks Scott.

By Dennis Long on Monday, August 28, 2023 - 07:27

Just when I think more can't be done Scott finds something else. I wonder does he sleep? Seriously thanks for all you do!!

By Holger Fiallo on Monday, August 28, 2023 - 07:27

Do you know of a developer who listen to the people who get the app more than Scott. The app is easy to use and met my rule of 2 minutes use. Great and ASAP respond by Scott. Nice job. Also I just wish lock screen iseasy to ad wall papers or widgets to ad WG.I

By Weather Gods (Scott) on Monday, August 28, 2023 - 07:27

Thanks Holger and Dennis!

I also wish the Lock Screen was easier to use :) The new standby mode on iOS 17 isn't much better either.

By Holger Fiallo on Monday, August 28, 2023 - 07:27

Scott are you on it with WG.

By Weather Gods (Scott) on Monday, August 28, 2023 - 07:27

Sorry Holger, I'm not, I barely have time to update the Twitter (X) and Facebook accounts.