Firefox: Private, Safe Browser


Description of App

Experience a fast, smart and personal Web. Firefox is the independent, people-first browser made by Mozilla, voted one of the Most Trusted Internet Companies for Privacy. Upgrade today and join hundreds of millions who depend on Firefox for a more personal browsing experience.

FAST. SMART. YOURS. Firefox is made with you in mind and gives you the power to take back control of your Web experience. That’s why we design the product with smart features that take the guesswork out of browsing.

- Firefox anticipates your needs and intuitively provides multiple suggested and previously searched results across your favorite search engines - every time.
- Easily access shortcuts to search providers

- Your personal information belongs to you. In Private Browsing mode, Firefox won’t remember any of your history or cookies, but new bookmarks will be saved.
- Delete your browsing history, passwords and more in a single tap.
- Choose the private data you want to remove.
- **iOS 9 required for Private Browsing mode**

- With a Firefox Account, access your history, bookmarks and open tabs from your desktop on your smartphone and tablet.
- Firefox can also remember your passwords across devices so you don’t have to.

- Intuitive visual and numbered tabs easily let you find content for future reference.
- Open as many tabs as you like without losing track of your open Web pages.

- Spend your time reading your favorites sites instead of looking for them.

Learn more about Firefox for iOS:

- Have questions or need help? Visit
- Read about Firefox permissions:



Free or Paid


Apple Watch Support


Device(s) App Was Tested On


iOS Version


Accessibility Comments

Because all web browsers are required to use Apple's built-in webkit API's, Firefox works as well as safari in terms of actually reading web pages. You can also use the various HTML specific rotor navigation options with no problems. In addition to this, Mozilla has added a few nice features to the app's interface. First, if VoiceOver is running and as the page loads, you will hear progress beeps that get higher in pitch as the page loads, very much like with the NVDA screen reader on Windows. Some controls also have support for the "actions" option of the rotor, for example the address bar quickly lets you copy out the page address, or immediately go to whatever URL you already have in the clipboard without bringing up the keyboard. The only very small thing that could be improved is that the button next to the address bar that displays the list of all open tabs and also lets you change the app's settings is just labeled with the number of how many tabs you currently have open, which could be slightly confusing at first.

VoiceOver Performance

VoiceOver reads all page elements.

Button Labeling

Most buttons are clearly labeled.


The app is fully accessible with VoiceOver and is easy to navigate and use.

Other Comments

If you already have a Windows computer and you want to use the sync features, this is a very nice browser. One thing to note though is that you won't be able to use the content blocking apps you may already have downloaded with it due to limitations put in by Apple. Some sites have also pointed out that there is currently no support for onePassword, so if you use it as your password manager you won't be able to fill in your forms. Because I'm mostly using Safari on the Mac now syncing bookmarks and open tabs is easier to safari for iOS, plus I can use ad blocking apps with safari, Firefox won't be my main browser for now. But I will be keeping it on my device to see how it develops because it's a good start and it has some interesting accessibility enhancements.

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2 people have recommended this app

Most recently recommended by Piotr Machacz 8 years 11 months ago



By Darren12 on Friday, December 11, 2015 - 07:37

I've noticed that in the latest version, 1.2, the progress beeps have disappeared for me. Liked that feature.

By tunmi13 on Monday, April 11, 2016 - 07:37

The button next to the address bar is changed. Instead of just the number it now says
Show Tabs
followed by the number of tabs open.

By Isak Sand on Friday, August 11, 2023 - 07:37

Hello all,
I have been using Firefox for iOS without issues for many years.
Since a few days now, I can't use explore by touch at all. From VoiceOver's point of view, the screen is empty between the upper part where the address bar is, and the row of tabs. If I place the finger in the middle of the screen, I won't get any content from the web page. If I place my finger at the upper right corner at the "Reload page" button and start flicking right, I can access the page by flicking. But needless to say, this is not the way it should be.
The interesting part is that this issue does not occur in landscape mode, only in portrait mode. For me it is not an option, though, to use the phone in landscape mode. I just find it too difficult.

I have both re-booted the phone and re-installed Firefox without luck. I am running iOS 16.6 on an iPhone XS and the exact Firefox version is 116.0 (33174).

Even though I'm pretty sure this is a global issue, it would be nice if someone could confirm this behaviour.
And then I'm wondering what would be the best way to get Mozilla aware of the issue so that it could be fixed. Does anyone have thoughts on this?


By Craig on Friday, August 11, 2023 - 07:37

I am having the same problem exploring by touch while using Firefox. Hopefully they’ll fix this soon. Also, I’m not getting the tones to let me know that pages are loading.

By Cordelia on Friday, August 11, 2023 - 07:37

I have noticed both issues mentioned above.
My question: Is there a setting to automatically delete all website addresses in "history" upon closing FireFox? To my knowledge, I had to manually delete each individual link, a process I find a bit time-consuming. -- Thanks.

By Isak Sand on Monday, September 11, 2023 - 07:37

Hello all,
Good news for those who have suffered of the issue I described in my message with the subject "Firefox 116.0 and problem with explore by touch in portrait mode". It has now been fixed in version 116.3.