converting m4a to mp3 on the iPad Pro

By Justin Harris, 1 August, 2023

iOS and iPadOS

So, I use Hokusai 2 every now and then to do some audio work. It's actually a rather handy little app. One down side I just discovered, is that it encodes either .wav or .m4a, but no mp3 support. I use the app to produce radio programs, and everything sounds great. However, in addition to just putting that audio on air over my online radio station, I also use a web site to combine that with an image, and thus broadcast that on social media, since you need it to be a video. That web site where I create the one image video only takes mp3 files. So, I'm a bit stuck. On the mac, in the finder, something like that is a piece of cake! Just change the file extension, and done. Can you do the same in the files app on iPad OS? If not, can you recommend a good way to do it, for free, and dealing with some rather large files? I found one free converter, but the file size was limitted to 20 gb. I don't have access to a mac anymore, and while I could just do this all on my Windows laptop, and just use Goldwave, I am trying to get a lot more use out of the iPad so it's not just sitting around collecting dust. It's an m2 pro, so really should be taking advantage of all that power. So, any tips would be much appreciated.



By Justin Harris on Friday, August 11, 2023 - 07:46

Another thought is to try doing the same sort of thing in iMovie, but since I've never used iMovie, I don't know how it could be done. Basically, I want to add the audio track, and then just have the one image display the entire duration of the track. Maybe add some text at certain points, either above or below the photo. Anyone around here using iMovie who could tell me how to pull this off? Like I said, there is a site I use right now that can take an image and an audio file and combine them, but it takes a while to process. I bet it could all be done locally on the Ipad in the same amount of time, even adding text, and could even be faster, even doing something more advanced.

By Joe on Friday, August 11, 2023 - 07:46

I found an app called Media Convert. On my iPad Pro I can download video files and convert them to mp3 and it works wonderfully. I do not know if it can do m4a to mp3 I will check on it if it does I will post a link back with the app.