Battery app free for iOs.

By Sabrina, 24 July, 2023

iOS and iPadOS

Hello. Is there an accessible free battery thing that can alert me if it is fully charged or right before it is empty?



By Jonathan T on Friday, July 28, 2023 - 01:58


I don't know how accessible it is (I'm sighted) but you can often create tools like this using Apple's Shortcuts app that's part of - or downloadable from the App Store - for iOS.

To do so:

1. Under the Automation section.

Create new Automation.
Create Personal Automation; Battery level is listed as one of the options to select.
You can set the slider to whatever % you want so eg. 10%. Then choose "Falls below 10%" from the 3 choices in the menu.
At the next step, choose Add action and search for notification.
Pick the option that best suits you (Play sound, Notification alert, Vibrate Device) and set it up.
Turn off Ask Before Running and turn off Notify When Run - these two options are redundant for this automation.
And select Done to finish.

2. Create a new Automation for when it's fully charged or nearly fully charged.

These should trigger the specific alerts you've designated when the % battery levels are reached.

By gailisaiah on Friday, July 28, 2023 - 01:58

If I touch the top right hand corner of my phone, the battery status announces. The only automatic battery notification I've seen is the Low Battery announcement.

By Sabrina on Friday, July 28, 2023 - 01:58

It worked perfectlly. Now I am alerted when my phone is at ten and full.

By Lit Xuan on Friday, July 28, 2023 - 01:58

Since I got use to how Shortcuts app and specially the automations tab works, that's the only thing I use. Not only do I have automations that announce battery level when it reaches certain percentage, I also made some which would do things like turning on low power mode on its own. With the ability to customise the voice used for the announcements as well as the phrase we want our device to speak, it makes those automations even more fun to create and even more so to use. HTH.