Google Voice


Description of App

Google Voice gives you a phone number for calling, text messaging, and voicemail. It works on smartphones and computers, and syncs across your devices so you can use the app in the office, at home, or on the go.

NOTE: Google Voice only works for personal Google Accounts in the US and G Suite accounts in select markets. Text messaging is not supported in all markets.

You’re in control
Get spam filtered automatically and block numbers you don’t want to hear from. Manage your time with personalized settings for forwarding calls, text messages, and voicemail.

Backed up and searchable
Calls, text messages, and voicemails are stored and backed up to make it easy for you to search your history.

Manage messages across devices
Send and receive individual and group SMS messages from all your devices

Your voicemail, transcribed
Google Voice provides advanced voicemail transcriptions that you can read in the app and/or have sent to your email.

Save on international calling
Make international calls at competitive rates without paying extra for international minutes with your mobile carrier

Keep in mind:
• Google Voice is currently only available in the US. Google Voice for G Suite users is available in select countries. Check with your administrator for access.
• Calls made using Google Voice for iPhone can be placed through a Google Voice access number. All access number based calls use the standard minutes from your cell phone plan and may incur costs (e.g. when traveling internationally).



Free or Paid


Apple Watch Support


Device(s) App Was Tested On


iOS Version


Accessibility Comments

Appears to be very accessible and easy to use.

VoiceOver Performance

VoiceOver reads all page elements.

Button Labeling

All buttons are clearly labeled.


The app is fully accessible with VoiceOver and is easy to navigate and use.

Other Comments

The v2.0 is a great update and the interface is so much easier to use than the older version. You have more to control and the best part is that one can create a phone number right from this app. In the past you could only do this from the website and that was not so nice and easy to create before. There is certainly more accessibility built in to this version than the past. So nicely done!

Developer's Twitter Username




By David Goodwin on Friday, November 11, 2011 - 07:39

This has been withdrawn from the App Store due to issues with iOS 5. It's sure to be back once these are resolved.
Google Voice has released v3.1.1891 in iTunes this evening. So it now has returned with the new IOS 5.0 fix. Yes, I experienced no problem before but it was removed due to crashes to some on IOS 5.0. So far I have not seen any problems with this new release. So the bottom line is that Google Voice is back in the iTunes.

By DPinWI on Thursday, October 11, 2012 - 07:39

In reply to by AnonyMouse

I have a Google Voice account, but have never tried it on my iPod Touch. I installed the latest version. On the main screen, I double tapped the sign in button. I get what appears to be a blank screen that sits for a minute. Then it says log in failed. I checked in the main settings app for a Google Voice entry. Any help would be appreciated.

By AnonyMouse on Thursday, October 11, 2012 - 07:39

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

In reply to by DPinWI

As with any and all Google Voice update they always make you sign back in. Very annoying but so far knock on wood. I've not had any problems. First, once you hit the Sign In button. This should bring you a page of where you enter your credentials. Once you have done that. There is a Log in button. Were you able to see this at all? Try using your voice and move it around on the page and make sure you hadn't missed the credentials text boxes. Lastly, go to and make sure your credentials do in fact work. Those are the only two options I have for you. I hope somebody else might have some other idea for you to try. If all fails. Contact the Google Voice team of your issues.

By Raul A. Gallegos on Thursday, October 11, 2012 - 07:39

In reply to by AnonyMouse

Since I've been in a podcast mood of late I can consider making one which demonstrates the site and the app. However since much of the usage and setup depends on the site and not an iOS thing I wasn't sure how appropriate it would be for AppleVis. If not, I can certainly make the podcast available on my own site.

By DPinWI on Thursday, October 11, 2012 - 07:39

In reply to by AnonyMouse

I hit the sign in button, but the next screen appears to be blank. Swiping just reads the top status bar, like time, battery, etc,. Poking and dragging and feeling around the screen, I just hear the pitiful iOS bonk. I'll see if some sighted assistance can help. Thanks.

By DPinWI on Thursday, October 11, 2012 - 07:39

After reading that it "should" work, I tried it again. This time, I got the sign in fields. I did nothing different, and i think it was a Google issue at the server side. But since I have an iPod, it won't let me actually talk over Google Voice. I can text, or initiate a call that will ring my phone. Looks like I'll be sticking with Talkatone.
Hi, I have found that if you use GV Connect in conjunction with Talkatone, the combination is very nice. The UI for GV Connect is better than Talkatone I think.
Raul, as you say, it would likely be a little too off-topic to post to our podcast feed. Of course, if do record this podcast, please be sure to post a link here, as it sounds like people would find it helpful.

By DPinWI on Thursday, October 11, 2012 - 07:39

In reply to by Raul A. Gallegos

Thanks for the suggestion. I'll give it a try.

By Larry Thacker Jr. on Thursday, July 11, 2013 - 07:39

It's not a big deal since you can play the message, but I can see that it is also translated on the screen. VO can't be persuaded to read it.

By AnonyMouse on Wednesday, November 11, 2015 - 07:39

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

What's New in Version 1.7.0

- Native resolution support for iPhone 6 and 6 Plus
- Save message draft when replying
- Support for user's preferred text size system setting
- Accessibility improvements
- Bug fixes and performance enhancements

By AnonyMouse on Saturday, February 11, 2017 - 07:39

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

What's New in Version 2.0

Google Voice has been completely redesigned to include the things you care about:
• A new, intuitive layout keeps your calls, text messages, and voicemail organized
• Sign up for a new Google Voice account from the iOS app
• Conversations stay in one continuous thread and support photo sharing and group messaging
• Support for multiple accounts and improved accessibility

By Dennis Long on Friday, August 11, 2023 - 07:39

You can find out very easily simply by doing a search.

By Dominic on Friday, August 11, 2023 - 07:39

Sheesh. I was just asking a question

By Julian on Friday, August 11, 2023 - 07:39

As far as I know, I don't think that Google Voice is available outside of the U.S.