Lire questions

By Lily Rose, 23 July, 2023

iOS and iPadOS

Hi! I have a few questions about the Lire RSS reader app.
1. Does it require an account?
2. In the app store description in the "in-App purchases" section there is something about tips. What are those?
3. I read from a while ago that Lire didn't have server-based feed processing, as in: if a website only shows ten articles in their feed, the rest of the articles wouldn't be visible with Lire. Is this still the case?



By Lily Rose on Sunday, July 23, 2023 - 19:30

Hmm whats feedly like?

By Cobbler on Sunday, July 23, 2023 - 19:30

  1. No. You can run lire in standalone mode, which means that you don't need to use a feed aggregator service.
  2. You can β€œtip” the developer by choosing to make an optional in-app purchase in addition to the initial purchase price. This is completely optional and is only intended to show your appreciation and support for the work of the developer. It doesn't unlock any additional features.
  3. Yes, in that if more than 10 articles had been posted to the feed since lire last checked, it will only retrieve the 10 most recent articles. This is one benefit of using a feed aggregator service. However, unless you follow particularly high traffic feeds and severely limit how frequently lire refreshes feeds, this is unlikely to be an issue.