while working on mac, need to copy some file names inside a folder to a text file to send them to a friend,
so, how can i do this?
is there a command or something?
thanks in advance
You could use the ls command and output the printed file names to a new text file. This works as follows:
Open Terminal (Located in Finder > Applications > Utilities)
navigate to the path where the files are located. use the cd command for this. If the files are in the documents folder, for example, you would enter the following: cd ~/documents. Normally, the shell should start at your home folder, ~/. You can also print the current working directory with the pwd command.
If you are in the right directory, type: ls > filenames.txt
Now the file names can be found in the folder where you performed the ls command in the created filenames.txt file.
Google drive and other cloud platforms must usually use the FileProvider API of macOS. The sync root is then located at ~/library/CloudStorage. Normally, the cloud storage should also be available as alias in your home directory. for example, when I'm in my home folder, I can easily type cd OneDrive in order to navigate to the OneDrive directory.
ls command
Hi, You could use the ls command and output the printed file names to a new text file. This works as follows:
Now the file names can be found in the folder where you performed the ls command in the created filenames.txt file.
If you have further questions, let me know.
WOw, will gonna try it now, but if i do not know the exact bath for the folder? or it is on google drive or something, what can i do in this case?
Google drive and other cloud…
Google drive and other cloud platforms must usually use the FileProvider API of macOS. The sync root is then located at ~/library/CloudStorage. Normally, the cloud storage should also be available as alias in your home directory. for example, when I'm in my home folder, I can easily type cd OneDrive in order to navigate to the OneDrive directory.