New to Mac: Which text editor should I use for LaTeX?

By Rasgueo, 10 July, 2023

macOS and Mac Apps

Hello, software engineering student here. I've had the Mac for less than a week now and I'm trying to set up my usual working environment.
Can someone recommend a text editor to write LaTeX? I downloaded TextMate for coding in Python but I still haven't gotten around to playing with it.
Should I use it for LaTeX as well? Any better recommendations?



By Vsevolod Popov on Thursday, July 20, 2023 - 19:03

Hi! Try vscode's latex workshop extension, I haven't really used it that much since I wrote things in Markdown when needed, but it seems like this extension is not bad.

By Rasgueo on Thursday, July 20, 2023 - 19:03

I've got both VSCode and TextMate installed, I'll play around to see which one I like better.

By Jason White on Sunday, August 20, 2023 - 19:03

TeXShop appears to be quite accessible and was recommended at one point by another VoiceOver user. It is included in MacTeX.

If you're an Emacs user or a Vim user, as I am, though mostly under Linux, there are extensions available for working with LaTeX documents. Emacs and Vim can be obtained for MacOS from HomeBrew. If you want to use Emacspeak, there's a speech server for MacOS, which I haven't tried - again, I tend to use it under Linux rather than on the Mac. However, there are users comfortably working with Emacspeak on the Mac.