iOS 17 developer beta three is out!

By Levi Gobin, 5 July, 2023

Apple Beta Releases

Just a message to anybody out there, iOS 17 beta three is out.


Your Feedback is Important to Improving Accessibility on Apple platforms

Don't assume that Apple is aware of a bug or that your report won't make a difference - submitting bug reports directly to the company helps them reproduce and resolve the issue faster. Your report may provide crucial information. The more reports they receive, the higher the priority they give to fixing the bug.

If you're using a beta version, use the Feedback Assistant on your device to submit feedback and bug reports. If you're using a public release, follow the instructions on this page.


By Rasgueo on Tuesday, July 11, 2023 - 07:37

I speak German but I'm not testing the beta. Is it possible that you post an audio recording of the voices? Just the Hi, I'm Siri your virtual assistant would do.

By Ash Rein on Tuesday, July 11, 2023 - 07:37

So on the home screen, when selecting edit mode, drag, there is no longer option to move before or move after. So essentially moving apps positions is gone. Can others confirm this?

By Dominic on Tuesday, July 11, 2023 - 07:37

I’ve heard from my friend that some options in the messages app have gone
In particular, the reply, more, and copy actions
You not have to triple tap on your message to open the context menu and options
I really don’t know why Apple keeps on changing things that’s perfectly workable

By Dennis Long on Tuesday, July 11, 2023 - 07:37

Have you yourself installed the beta to confirm? Have you yourself through conformation sent a bug report? that is what you should be doing.

By Igna Triay on Tuesday, July 11, 2023 - 07:37

Just tested this out and indeed, it doesn't work. Reported it to apple as well.
To answer @dominic...
Yes. iMessage you now have to tap and hold in order to reveal the copy, more, etc options, however I don't think its a bug, in fact, it makes things smoother and easier, at least for me.
I do, however, agree with others points. If your going to beta test, you cant just, parden my French, sit with a finger up your ass and do nothing, waiting for othe!s to report bugs, while you sit down in the first beta version only waiting until things are better before upgrating, that's not how beta testing works. The whole point is to test and report bugs. If your not going to do what a beta tester should do, which should be testing and reporting miss-haps and or incorrect behavior... Then don't beta test. I mean, if your just going to sit on beta 1, waiting for stuff to be fixed and on others comments as to what is or isn't fixed and only then upgrading... and not reporting bugs... Just don't beta test.

By Dominic on Tuesday, July 11, 2023 - 07:37

Have you yourself installed the beta to confirm? Have you yourself through conformation sent a bug report? that is what you should be doing.

I trust this person well enough to know who doesn’t lie, so yeah
Also yes I will download and install,

By Igna Triay on Tuesday, July 11, 2023 - 07:37

Weather the person lies or not isn't the question. The thing is, when you beta test something, testing for stuff that goes wrong and reporting is... all what testing is about. If people just say, installed the first beta, and stayed on the first build and waited for others to say, oh, this is good, this is bad... The beta would go nowhere. You shouldn't, as a beta tester, wait for someone to give you the all clear, you can update. That should be done out of yourr own volition, not because someone gave you the green light. Because the truth of the matter is, you won't always have someone to tell you, oh yeah, you can update, this or that is fixed. The whole point of a beta, is to test stuff out, and report if something isn't right. That's literarly the whole point. But there's literarly no point in becoming a beta tester, and at every single stage of testing, waiting until a friend says, hey your good to upgrade because so and so is fixed now. That's missing the entire point of beta testing. Also, keep in mind, that your friend might not have the same configuration as far as settings as you do. As such, for example, if he where to say, encounter a bug with the samantha voice, for example, but your prefered voice is tom, if he where to tell you that voiceover has a bug, for instance, given you don't use samantha, and said bug only happened when using sanantha, you wouldn't get the bug. So again, even if this person is trusted etc, there usecase might be very different than yours, and he might encounter things that you do not, or vice versa. Point being, that even if you trust someone, always test stuff for yourself, don't just rely on other's word or experience.

By Paige on Tuesday, July 11, 2023 - 07:37

Ok so I'm not sure if I'm just missing something but I can't get crossfade to work at all. I turned it on and tried adjusting the slider all the way up and then all the way back down, but nothing is working. Anyone else?

By Dominic on Tuesday, July 11, 2023 - 07:37

It seems like VoiceOver has stopped stuttering over its own speech, etc, when I would go from one thing to the next thing way too fast it would say something from the previous thing and then say next thing
I haven’t tested anything with the high-quality voices, but I’m just about going to do that now

By Dominic on Tuesday, July 11, 2023 - 07:37

You can now change the speech rate for Siri, go to settings, go to accessibility and go to the very bottom, double tap on Siri, in the options there should be an option called speech rate, there should be an adjusted value slider

By Dennis Long on Tuesday, July 11, 2023 - 07:37

I would also report that shouldn't be gone. I did report we all need to report it. it shouldn't have been gone to begin with

By Dominic on Tuesday, July 11, 2023 - 07:37

Is it me or does the Australian Siri female voice sound better in iOS 17 than an iOS 16?

By Dominic on Tuesday, July 11, 2023 - 07:37

Listening to her, right now, makes me cringe. The way she pronounces certain words is annoying, and she sounds like she kinda has a bit of a blocked nose

By Dominic on Tuesday, July 11, 2023 - 07:37

Just just as I was having high hopes of Apple finally fixing my episode faithful Siri female Australian voice crashing, it crashed on me on YouTube
Time to send another bug report. Also, voice isn’t reading… More unlike an iOS 16 point anyone know why I meant any ellipses

By Renita Rogers on Tuesday, July 11, 2023 - 07:37

I've been reading this forum, and you guise are right. I've installed the betas, but haven't been testing them. My only defense is that I'm a beginner, and don't know what I'm doing. This is only my second attempt at reporting bugs. So, hear gos
I have found the editing bug on iPad, and have `reported it to Apple. Hears what I rote.
When moving apps with the actions rotor, the drop app before, after, and add to folder are missing.
Hear are the steps to reproduce.
1. Turn on VoiceOver.
2. Explore by touch and locate an app
3. Once you have selected an app to move, flick up until you hear edit mode.
4. Double tap on edit mode. Voice-over should say, "Started editing."
5. Flick up or down until you hear drag item.
6. Double tap on drag item.
7. Locate another app to drag to.
8. Flick up or Dow to drag the first app.
From hear, VoiceOver should say move (app name) before or after second app, or create new folder with this app. However, the only options that appear are Edit, Delete, Add to drag session, and cancel edit. This behavior is consistent with other apps on iPad.
I'm very self critical of my writing;so what should be improved for the next report?

By Dennis Long on Tuesday, July 11, 2023 - 07:37

Job well done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep reporting your doing an awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Again Awesome Job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

By Enes Deniz on Tuesday, July 11, 2023 - 07:37

I haven't installed any iOS 17 betas either, but this bug should occur regardless of how you navigate the home screen, so you don't necessarily have to put your finger somewhere on the screen and lift it once you find an app on which to swipe up and down to pick a rotor action, which appears to be what you referred to as "explore by touch".

By Ash Rein on Tuesday, July 11, 2023 - 07:37

Excellent job. Very clear, very concise. Keep up the great work.

By Dennis Long on Tuesday, July 11, 2023 - 07:37

Ash Rein I completely agree with you. This is what we need. keep up the good work all testers.

By Ash Rein on Tuesday, July 11, 2023 - 07:37

I wonder if there’s a real Use case here. Perhaps everybody that leaves feedback reports can post them so that others can use the same template as a more universal way of reporting bugs.

People should always edit and use their own words, of course. But at least if there’s a template, the overall communication and message can be universally the same

By Brian Giles on Tuesday, July 11, 2023 - 07:37

I've thought about posting a request for this, but looks like someone beat me to it! It would be good to have an example of what a "good" bug report looks like, as well as how to reference other reports of the same issue.

It seems like the complaints of persistent bugs are growing. Could bugs that people are experiencing be fixed faster if more of the reports of the bugs are more detailed?

I'm running the public beta of 16.6 right now. The public beta of 17 isn't out yet and I don't want to set up a dev account just to get the 17 beta. I submitted a bug report about still being unable to select chapters in podcasts that have them, which has been going on since 16.3 or so. I thought I gave detailed steps to reproduce the issue. Looking back at all the bugs I've filed over all the time I've been testing, most of the issues were fixed in later betas, and only once did Apple request more info from me.

By Ash Rein on Tuesday, July 11, 2023 - 07:37

This is a bit of an older bug. But I figured I’d post the report template in case somebody else would like to utilize it. I tried to be very clear. Report is as follows:

Direct touch typing not working when using Dial pad during phone call. Typing style reverts to standard touch. User must double tap to input numbers. Direct touch typing works in every other circumstance.

One. Enable voiceover and open Phone app.

Two. Double tap on keypad tab.

Three. When focus is on keypad, change rotor to typing style and flick up/down to hear direct, touch typingg.

Four. Tap on various numbers to direct touch type phone number (direct touch typing actually works properly here).

Five. Double tap on call. When on the phone call, direct touch typing no longer works on dial pad. Typing style is automatically changed to standard typing and user must double tap to input numbers.

By Rasgueo on Tuesday, July 11, 2023 - 07:37

Thanks Levi. Voice 3 and 4 are the new ones :)

By Ash Rein on Tuesday, July 11, 2023 - 07:37

Combo boxes have become in accessible. In one way, there’s no way to access the cancel next previous done buttons anymore by swiping left right. You now have to manually run through the page and find it. Similarly moving around by swiping right left actually crashes the combo box. Can anyone confirm this? Has anyone already completed a report?

By Dominic on Tuesday, July 11, 2023 - 07:37

There are new Siri voices for German and British

By Karok on Tuesday, July 11, 2023 - 07:37

hi, can we use personal voice, as a voiceover voice? for general users, it would be a way of having your own voice read to you, and for general usage what would it serve? i know it is for people who could lose their voices but surely siri etc. or voiceover should be able to utilise it, it is on our phone after all? again, just seems odd why only limited to typing things out for it to say.

By Holger Fiallo on Tuesday, July 11, 2023 - 07:37

OK. Good people. When iOS 17 beta 4 is out, I am going to install it on my iPad 9. How do you make reports for bugs? Step by step be welcome. FYI it will be with a bluetooth keyboard.

By Karok on Tuesday, July 11, 2023 - 07:37

Hi can anyone show a demo of the 2 british siri voices? I live in the Uk so keen to hear how they sound. Thank you, Will

By Dennis Long on Tuesday, July 11, 2023 - 07:37

You use the feedback app that will come back with the beta.

By Peter Holdstock on Tuesday, July 11, 2023 - 07:37

I found a new setting in Voice Over called "Sound Curtain". As soon as I enabled it I not only lost Voice Over speech, but all audio and haptec feedback. It was very odd as if I pressed the up arrow continuously I got very broken up audio but so bad that I couldn't work out what voice over was saying. When I used SIRI to disable voice over, audio came from the phone as expected when playing Apple Music but as soon as Voice Over was reenabled I lost the audio again. Restarting the phone or Voice Over did not resolve the issue. Eventually I got sighted help to turn off Sound Curtain and all was good again. Does anyone know what Sound Curtain does?

By Enes Deniz on Tuesday, July 11, 2023 - 07:37

1. What's this personal voice thing? Will we be able to make our own synthesizer with our own voice and our own recordings?
2. Are there any other new Siri voices for any other languages or dialects? And I would also like to request a demo of these new British Siri voices.
3. This is already what sound curtain is supposed to do. But here's another problem when I face, not when enabling sound curtain, which is not present on iOS 16.5.1, but when I turn down or off the volume completely. So you'd expect to hear nothing but I do hear distorted bits and pieces of the audio that I'd hear if the volume were greater than 0% or not turned down completely, as if some weird noise gate is applied to whatever coming from the speakers and only some of the samples remain above this threshold and heard. I know, it won't be easy for me to explain this.

By Holger Fiallo on Tuesday, July 11, 2023 - 07:37

Really!!!! The steps on the use of the app would be nice. How hard it is to use? How do you get info about the bug? If apple ask for more data, how to you provideit? Thanks.

By Dennis Long on Tuesday, July 11, 2023 - 07:37

you pick where you want to start feedback. You pick where and what type of issue you are reporting. If you can't figure out the app then maybe you shouldn't be testing betas. I didn't have to ask how do I use the feedback app. I just looked at it and followed the directions it is really self explanatory

By Igna Triay on Tuesday, July 11, 2023 - 07:37

The app is pretty self explanitory. I mean, you basically have-prompts for everything, description, problem, title for the b-ug report, category of ishue, etc. It easy to use.

By Holger Fiallo on Tuesday, July 11, 2023 - 07:37

Well glad that I got another view beside him. Beta suppose to be to ask questions so you can check it out and not getting something like that.

By Dominic on Tuesday, July 11, 2023 - 07:37

Maybe you would ever be so kind as to tell this person like actual steps, like as if it were a guide or something
Not everyone has the experience that you have in you can’t blame them

By Igna Triay on Tuesday, July 11, 2023 - 07:37

To be honest I'd say doing a screen recording of the layout of the app would be better than any steps so here ya go...
its pretty simple as you can see and self explanatory, I mean literarly just fill the screen prompts and that's it. I hope it helps.

By Siobhan on Tuesday, July 11, 2023 - 07:37

Before you go charging in on your white horse, you might've noticed there's a bit of a language issue with Holger. I can see how you missed it since dictation is such a marvelous way to get things done seeing as you are not a pro when it comes to reading before sending, dude. Holger, I'll help you just contact me off list and if I can write things down in an easier format, let me know.

By kool_turk on Tuesday, July 11, 2023 - 07:37

You wouldn't want your own voice as a voiceover voice at the moment.

It sounds like the compressed voices that come with the phone.

Apple Insider did a small demo in the episode titled "iOS 17 and Personal Voice, iPhone 15 Battery Boost, Instagram's New Threads App."

All that time recording various phrases, plus all the time it takes to process, I believe you're not supposed to touch your phone for 24 hours, and it still sounds compressed.

By Dennis Long on Tuesday, July 11, 2023 - 07:37

You can't spell check in the mail app using the mis spelled words option.
Steps to reproduce
1 mis spell words in a email.
2 go to mis spelled words.
3 swipe up and down find a word to correct.
4 the bug happens when you try to swipe left and right to find the replacement. It says nothing found or something similar.
5 do the same test with the same words in messages it works as expected.
I reported it the fb id is below:
If others could please report this I would appreciate it.

By Holger Fiallo on Tuesday, July 11, 2023 - 07:37

Thanks and although English is my second language, I may not make myself clear, I do understand. I just was asking for steps by steps since I did not ever made a report to Apple. I tried it once but it did not work and did not know what I did wrong. Hope this help.

By Enes Deniz on Tuesday, July 11, 2023 - 07:37

You don't necessarily have to refrain from touching or using your phone for 24 hours or during the process. Besides, it doesn't really take that much to record the phrases, and you can always pause and resume from where you left off. But the question has not been answered by anyone: Can we use the personal voices we make with VoiceOver or other TTS functions?

By David Goodwin on Tuesday, July 11, 2023 - 07:37

We've been told that the voice created with Personal Voice cannot currently be used as a VoiceOver voice.

It's possible that this may change in the future, but I think it unlikely to happen in iOS 17.0.

By Levi Gobin on Tuesday, July 11, 2023 - 07:37

You said according to Apple it can’t be used as a voiceover voice. Where exactly does Apple say this?

By Holger Fiallo on Tuesday, July 11, 2023 - 07:37

Apple insider podcast did a demonstration of the voice. It was not even close to the person doing it. It took him 30 or more minutes. Check it out. AppleInsider.

By Cankut DeÄŸerli on Tuesday, July 11, 2023 - 07:37

Hi, can someone using iOS 17 beta record demos for new Siri voices? I'm also interested in new noral version of the Siri voices we are using now. What do you guys think about them, are there demos for us to listen to the noral voices?